
Cucumis sativa
KINGDOM: Plantae
SpECIES: C. Sativus.

Cucumber originated in India, with
cultivation over 4000years in western asia which emerge to france and
the rest part of the world today. Cucumber as a fruit widely eaten as
vegetables and additive to other food contains lot of water (90%).

Cucumber is widely eaten in various form by variety of people base on
preference; raw, chopped slices in salad, chopped with lecttuces,
tomatoes, carrot among others. I enjoy eating chopped cucumber slices
in my salads.
However, there’s much more to a cucumber than embedding
it between chopped or shredded lettuce and tomatoes. Here are some of
the secret benefits of this wonderful vegetable fruit.

1. Cucumber as a vegetable fruit has all the daily body needed
vitamins like VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine), VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin), VITAMIN
B3 (Nicatin), VITAMIN B6, and some other mineral nutrients like folic
acid, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus.

2. Cucumber is a great energy booster and as such it is highliy recommended for
everyone who desire a better enerfy source other than the normal

3. Hangover Cure:Are you prone to hangovers and
headaches after a few drinks? Eat a few cucumber slices before going
to bed. It’s refreshing and will stop you waking up with a
headache.The sugar, vitamin B and electrolytes in the cucumber will
replace any vital nutrients the body may have lost. In addition, it
will keep your system balanced and prevent hangovers.

4. Quick Fix
for Cellulite:Rub a slice of cucumber on the problem area for a few
minutes. There’s a substance in the cucumber called phytochemicals.
This will cause the collagen in your skin to tighten and firm up the
outer layers. It works wonders on wrinkles as well.

5. Curb Afternoon
or Evening Snack Bingeing:If you want to fight those hunger pangs, eat
some cucumber. It’s been used for centuries by European trappers,
traders and explorers to sustain them and prevent starvation.

6. Quick Fix for Cellulite:Rub a slice of cucumber on the problem
area for a few minutes. There’s a substance in the cucumber called
phytochemicals. This will cause the collagen in your skin to tighten
and firm up the outer layers. It works wonders on wrinkles as well.

7. Cucumber can help you get rid of mouth odour; cut a slice of
cucumber in your mouth and rub with your tongue for 30seconds the
phytochemical will help you get rid of bacteria and give you a fresh

8. Remedy for Sunburn:To soothe your sunburn skin, try
this. Cut some thin slices of cucumber and put them on the sunburn
area. Remove them when the cucumber starts to feel warm on your skin.
They’re beneficial for delicate areas, such as the face and neck.

9. Cucumber goes a long way to help in the digestion process Fiber
content in cucumbers can expel toxins from the digestive system that
increase digestive process. In fact, eating cucumbers every day is
considered very effective as a remedy constipation.

10. Digestion
of proteins; as cucumber helps in the digestion of food generally,
Erepsin Cucumber contains enzymes that help in digestion of proteins.

11. Blood pressure
Benefits of cucumber as a blood pressure medication. Potassium,
magnesium, and fiber present in the cucumber can help you keep your
blood pressure remains normal.

12. Kills tapeworms
Cucumber seeds is considered as a natural remedy to expel tapeworms in
the intestinal tract. In fact, the cucumber seeds are also known to be
useful as an anti-inflammatory and effective in the treatment of
swelling of the mucous membranes and throat.

13. Nourish hair
Cucumbers contain silica. Mentium juice mixed with carrot, spinach,
and lettuce will help enrichment hair. Silica is found in connective
tissue in the body. This compound helps the growth of hair, so if
diligent eating foods containing silica, you will have good hair and
healthy bones.

14. This is one of the greatest benefits of cucumber
i call it THERAPeUTIC BENEFIT Cucumber juice is known to help the
health of patients with diabetes. Mineral content, and manganese is
useful in the synthesis of natural insulin in the body.

15. Nourish hair
Cucumbers contain silica. Mentium juice mixed with carrot, spinach,
and lettuce will help enrichment hair. Silica is found in connective
tissue in the body. This compound helps the growth of hair, so if
diligent eating foods containing silica, you will have good hair and
healthy bones. 15. Consistent eating of cucumber can help you lose
weight and maintain a better and healtrhy body system, if you ever
wish to lose cholesterol fat due to excessive calories in your meal
cucumber is the best Option for you.

Doubtlessly with the above claims
about the BENEFITS OF CUCUMBER i am sure you see reasons why you
should inrcrease your intake of cucumber please kindly share this
article with friends through the share button .


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  1. Didn't know all these, but I've always loved cucumber.

  2. Yeah! And that is why we are here to inform you and help you know and have the basic understabnding of what you are eating! Stay tune to Greenhealthyfarm always for great educative posts on Agriculture food and Nutrition

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