Top major areas to focus your poultry farming business on, to make money

You will agree with me that Poultry farming is one of the fast growing
agricultural business in the industry now and as such, there are so
many competitions that is coming in, obviously some people venture
into poultry farming raising chickens without any concentration on the
things that matters and this might affect the entire result at the end
of the production year.  Due to this flaws that often happens to new
investors in the industry have decided to open our eye to the major
booming areas of poultry farming so that you won't join the queue or
run at loss.

 Some of the products gotten from poultry includes:
amongst others.

 In respect to the
products that people derive we are going to be sharing together areas
anybody can venture into and make money fast in the production year
even as a starter this tips will help you get it right from the
Major areas to focus poultry farming on for maximum yield


 meat production: one of the reasons why people go for
chicken during festive period is because of the palatability of the
meat (as if chicken is the only meat) so knowing this will help
poultry farmers focus more on meat production as majority of people
are ready to buy your birds in other to derive chicken meat.
 And the
types of birds to be considered for this purpose is Cockerel and
Broilers, these two are the meat producers but most people prefer
Broiler because they are fatteners and they grow fast within two to
three from birth under a standard and intensive care your broilers are
ready for market sales (mature enough ) so if you're considering meat
production its very good to raise Broiler birds or cockerel as the
case maybe.



One broiler current sells for #3500 to #5000 base on the
size and body weight so if you feed them well, you will sell them at a
better price consider selling 50,000 birds at he rate of 5000 thats a
cool income for beginners. Meat production is one of the paramount
benefits of poultry birds thus, it musn't be neglected.


 EGG PRODUCTION: This is another incredible benefit derive from poultry,
  in fact  i have a lot of private investors and great organization that
are majorly into egg production aspect of poultry farming because of
its endless wealth creation and Job opportunity. There are even more
sub-categories in egg production and its one of the greatest source of
employment and self-employment in Nigeria.

Many people eat egg as a
source of protein in their diet, industries use it in manufacture of
pharmaceuticals, egg is industrially processed and used to make paints
and vanishes, egg is used in manufacturing cosmetics and production of
adhesives, it is used in manufacturing of vaccine so you can see there
are endless benefits of egg and that is why its one of the major area
in poultry farming where you can create serious wealth year after
year, there are so many eateries and restaurants that make use of egg
in their daily activities and are ready to give anything just to get
the amount and quantity they desire at all time.

 Another major wealth
streaming aspect of egg production in poultry is hatching into chicks
(small birds) this is going to be another topic on its own and will
definitely be published on this farm.

The constant growth of the
country population makes egg production an all-time wealth sourcing
business in agriculture.
 If you really want to start a poultry you
should consider egg production, another benefits of egg production in
poultry farming over meat is that most birds produce egg consistently
(under standard and intensive care) for 2 years and guess what? You
can sell the birds for meat purpose and order for another Layers
(birds that produce eggs) to continue your business. "Consistency is
the rule of the game"
after you might have been consistent with your
poultry business producing egg all the time for your customers you
will definitely build a brand and they will keep coming to you at all
time making marketer so cheap and easy since you have a ready buyer
for your egg. Rewards and income generated in this aspect of poultry
farming so much depends on the effort you put into it, 2010 Obasanjo
farms at otta (one of the biggest farm in africa)
produces and hatch
(8 million birds) daily making most of the big farmers around to
  patronize them both locally and internationally definitely
opportunities in this business are limitless,
instead of waiting and
seeking non-existing Jobs
start either of meat or egg production
poultry business today and you'd be glad you did stay tune on this
farm for  our future updates!
We are committed to your success.
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