How to start a hatchery poultry farm, incubation of eggs - production of chicks in poultry.Part 1

You will surely agree with me that poultry is one the easiest way to
get yourself a reliablie and quality Job in agriculture, engaging
yourself in poultry farming business makes you self-employed and you
be your own boss seriously there are many opportunities in the
circumference of this business and its left  to you to discover them
one after the other but as usual on this farm
we will always open your eyes to opportunities embedded in Agriculture, for a couple of weeks
now we've been on a comprehensive  course on various aspects of
poultry farming and some of the articles,
 we have posted in this Topic includes;      

Lists of lucrative agricultural business to start up with in 2014


Major farm birds you can consider in a poultry farm business

How to start a commercial poultry farming business in Nigeria!!! - Introduction to Poultry farming 


Top major areas to focus your poultry farming business on, to make money

             Today i want to open our eye to a newly developing aspect
of poultry farming really its a hot spot* and a wise choice and that
is HATCHING OF EGG into Birds.

 If you have a farm that operate either
a layer (egg production) or Broilers (fatheners and meat production)
surely they are hatched from egg into birds, so relatively if you are
handling 13million birds they were all produced and hatched from egg
into birds.

That is the starting point where we will unravel the
market potential and wealth in hatching birds.

There are so many
things involved in doing this but to the best of my knowledge i will
make sure i share the basics which is the most important aspect.
Hatching: is the simple procedure  whereby fertilised eggs are develop
into chicks it involves a process called INCUBATION: and is the
process by which fertilised eggs are provided with an optimum
conditions of temperature, relative humidity and ventilation neccesary
for the development of chicks and their successful hatching.

Now that
you know what incubation means,

it takes two forms
in the Natural the poultry does the natural
incubation by itself after it might have lay some eggs up to 15 the
hen gets broody and stop laying in other to incubate the ones already

 The hen sits down on the egg and provide the required
atmospheric condition for a successful hatching to take place rounding
up to a total of 21days. We're not going to dwell much on the natural
aspect as the natural incubation is not desirable in commercial
poultry production because, when hen gets broody egg production stops
(meaning the commercial egg production as stopped) another thing is
that, the number of eggs that can be incubated by a hen is very small.

                                                            In ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION: this kind of incubation method is
monitored by the stock-man in the farm and its the only reliable and
adviceable measure to starting a commercial hatchery. It uses man-made
device called INCUBATOR, which provides the optimum conditions under a
scientific care neccesary for the development of egg to chick.

The incubation is the most important device in a hatchery.
 The major advantage of artificial incubation is this, hen don't have to stop egg
production consequently, large number of eggs are incubated and
hatched at the same time (incubators of over 100,000 egg capacity are
even available).

Bringing eggs to live  chick as been made easy with
the invention of incubator provided the eggs are fertilised.

operating a hatchery, incubating eggs and handling the incubation
requires some level of expertise and technical know-how, below are the
lists of measures for the efficient operation of the entire process: -
Fertilise eggs should be collected from the hen three times a day base
on the production system that is been runned.

- The incubator must
have been cleaned and disinfected  in other to function well and to
the best capacity for a perfect production. - the eggs are arranged in
egg setting trays and placed in the incubator.

 It is a good practice
to fumigate the eggs before setting.  - maintain the right atmospheric
condition during incubation. - Test run the incubator before you set
eggs inside. - its very important to allow adequate escape of Co2 from

- place the incubator away from wellis and candle eggs
progressively. - fumigate incubator before setting eggs, its very
important to know that incubator should be handled by trained and
experience personnel so as to get the required result at the end and
if you're interested in venturing into Hatchery and incubating of
poultry eggs you can employ the service of an expert.

     Some of the essential incubation condition and practices are;
Temperature is usally within the raneg of 37 - 39C. - Relative
humidity of 50 to 60% during the 1st 19days and an increase of 75% so
as to prevent the chick from dehydration

- free movement of air and
water vapour through the shell is very essential for the developing

- egg are usually placed in the incubator with the large end
facing upward, in natural incubation the hen hatches egg in an
horizontal position. 

- Egg turning is also very important if they are
left in one position the hatching will be poor, most modern incubators
are equiped with
Automatic turning mechanism which turns the eggs six to eight time in
a day. 
In other to have a detailed and quite comprehensive information
about Hatching and incubating eggs into chicks we have decided to make
this course into 
Part 1 and 2 so in our next part we will discuss more
on the major hatching practices, 
operations and those that are
required after hatching stay tuned to this farm.
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