Why do you Like Chicken for Christmas Meal - Christmas Food Recipe''

Season’s greetings to all the readers and farmers that have been following this Blog from the beginning of this year indeed you guys have been so awesome and it’s because of you that we are here, And am using this privilege to greet everyone reading this post “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” in advance “and if you reading this on Christmas day – good for you.

I have been working on a project lately and I am throwing the ball to every reader of this Blog;

Why do Most People 85 to 90% prefer chicken Meat to other forms of Animal Protein for their Christmas Meal?

I have interviewed many people on this topic and they have given their own opinion about the whole idea of “Chicken and Christmas Stuffs” in fact Poultry farmers around here has confirmed this for me that they tend to get more market coming in during the Christmas season.

Christmas-Eve-Dinner chicken

Market Research also shows that aside from chicken most consumers tend to purchase in high quantity “not as high as chicken though” Cat Fish, Turkey, Snails, Tilapia Fish, Sea Foods “some special kind of fish like crab, shrimps and the likes, larger family settings goes for bigger meat like Cow, Pig, Sheep and Goat but averagely chicken tends to have the largest demand in market compare to other kind of meat “basically live not carcass weight”.
I have questioned a lot of people on this topic and I got some fascinating Answers coming in, some people said;

“Chicken is sweet and it’s just the best match for a season like Christmas”
“Christmas is a great feast where we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and in due to this merry, chicken is just our own choice”
“We’ve been celebrating Christmas for a very longtime and we are kinda use to the yearly Christmas – Chicken idea, no strange attach to it but we just love it”
“Chicken is pretty fine for a family meal and since Christmas is just a day we enjoy having 2 to 3 birds for our family”
“One of the substantial value of this season is “Giving, Loving and Caring” we share food amongst other things for our friends, love ones around our neighborhood so chicken is a preferred meat to complement the “Rice and other kind of food”.
“Chicken is relatively cheap and is so many and easy to get, we don’t have to rob a bank to get our own Christmas meat so we decide to go for chicken”.

These are some of the answers I was able to gather from people celebrating their Christmas with the “Chicken Figure” as a substantial part of the celebration.
The most amazing response I got from a friend is “ Hey! Man don’t even go there, wtf! Christmas without chicken” is no Christmas for me, in short I can’t do without Chicken while celebrating Christmas…!

Christmas-Eve-Dinner chicken

This is very funny but seriously it’s the truth, research as also made it known that majorly in the south-west people tend to prefer Rice + Chicken Combination. 

However the rice may vary in recipes like white rice, jollof rice, polish rice, fried rice, coconut rice amongst others.

My Observation: The Christmas chicken Idea is not a big deal, however some beliefs as it origin from “unverified history”, But focusing on Nigeria, it’s only a practice that turned out to become a tradition and since majority tend to follow the crowd and do what others are doing thus, Christmas Chicken became a “Annual Tradition” we can’t let go.
This has really helped the Nation Agricultural Sector “Poultry Farming” to grow beyond measure, most poultry farmers are aware of the ready market waiting for their poultry products “eggs, meat, feather, bone, droppings”. 

Since the major product that is of local benefit is Poultry Meat and Poultry Egg this two product as gain recognition for local consumption and some of the reasons can be traced down to the Christmas Chicken Culture that is prevalent in the Country.

In this review, I will not be making conclusion based on my own assumption and research but rather I will be throwing the Question to you guys to share your own view of the “Chicken and Christmas culture

Why do you prefer Chicken to other kind of meat during Christmas?
Reply and give your answers by dropping a comment below, I would be glad to hear from you guys.


We love your contributions to our articles, kindly drop your comment, make them clean, Thanks.

  1. I think the major reason is that it's an average family size and just like you have started above, its a practice that grows up to be a culture and it's almost inevitable for a Nigeria Home to let go Chicken culture in their christmas meal...! Guess it's part of the merry sha...

  2. My Observation: I think many people chose bird's meat over beef, fish, ram's or other form of meat simply because 1. It is more affordable and available 2. Out of the 52weeks in the year, scarcely do a family go a week without the taste of beef soup. So they want to change taste and chicken meat is a ready alternative. 3. Many of us grew to find out this tradition of Christmas Chicken and the impact of tradition is often hard to deal with in this regard. 4. Most Christian family prefer bird's meat due to their believe in moderacy and avoidance of waste. Because it is quite possible to consume a tasty fried Chicken -flesh and bone, no remnants, no waste. ‪#‎ayokanmi‬... Merry Christmas

  3. This is my response:
    Just like you said, it's a tradition. Traditions die hard. Even if you prepare other meats ; goat, cow etc, your Christmas is not complete without chicken. Lol

  4. wow that is so pretty funny at Mr Philip but so true aswell. Thanks Seasons greetings hope the chicken are ready for pot-stock? Lol I wish you a lovely celebration sir.

    Hey Bunmi that is awesome quiet funny aswell. Thanks for dropping that comment.

  5. Hmmm, chicken as Christmas meal, to my own perspective I will say it is a fixed phenomenon that won't be variable, well, I agree with Taiwo Philips that says it is affordable. Yeah it is due to the fact that there will be an addtitional price on it in this Christmas season but still it is affordable... I even bought one chick before Christmas time to rear it and sell it with higher price... Matex ride on am really enjoying you and your articles

  6. Thanks Abhi Balesh.., I kinda love your own perspective of the Topic, Remember to ssubcribe to our blog so as to receive our future updates Thanks


  7. Hi Tolulope,

    Funny but interesting topic. Never think of it like you. :)

    But the reasons you provided on your post make me believe that most of the people consider chickens in Christmas. Not that but aware of it but looks good now.

    But I specially knew “Kentucky Fried Chicken is a Christmas tradition for many Japanese”. But didn’t know it is almost like a tradition to all.

    Thanks for sharing a good topic.

  8. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us, I think we are making great discoveries right here.

    Definitely it is a tradition to all.

  9. Most people prefer Gallus domesticus (Chicken) to other forms of animal proteins cos it is relatively cheap to acquire & lies in it a lot of dietary potentials which are ultimately valuable than the acquired cost. An average chicken has the following contents; Protein 51g, Sodium 121mg, Phosporus 425mg, Fat 6g, Sugar 0, Carbohydrate 0 and lots of water soluble vitamins.
    Historically, its also one of the most primitive domesticated poultry animals for food purposes. Most people tend to be used to the sensitized aroma it liberates after undergoing a heating (cooking) process. Also, the product derived from this process could also be modified, e.g "the livers can be fried up with garlic and offer as an extra canape.
    I think chicken is just the most suitable answer to the perennial xmas dilemma.

  10. Hi Tolulope,

    Good to see a post from your at the ABC :)

    Well, being a total vegetarian for many years now, I might not be the right person to answer the questions you asked, but let me try.

    I think it's more of a tradition, just as they have Turkey in some places for Thanksgiving, and perhaps Chicken is what's preferred, so people carry on with such traditions without giving much thought or choosing any other option.

    I wish they wouldn't though, and rise above the food - to the real meaning and spirit of celebrating Christmas as it should be done. Even though I am not a Christian but Christmas would mean spending family time with each other, and all the fun time one can have filling up stockings with gifts for the kids (old memories), praying, shopping - nothing can be better, and have a especial humble meal :)

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead, and Happy Holidays as well :)

  11. Hi Tolulope,
    It's a funny discussion and the title really got me laugh for a long time. What is christmas without chiken? No I can't imagine it, every child in a house feels very sad when their parents ain't able to provide chiken dor them during christmas.

    It's something that has been there even before we were born so I don't know why it is so, so I believe it's a practice that has turned to being a character and behaviour.
    (My thougth though)

    Merry Xmas, and remember to keep my chiken :)

  12. Wow! You are really goin the Scholarstic way there bro @Favour I kinda love your opinion, wow! Am honored to have the ma'am @ aha-now on my Blog @Harleena, yeah! Actually there is a lot more to christmas than the merry and meal the christians will understand more" however the season expresses Love and Cheerful Giving and care to everyone. I am impressed to know you are a vegetarian, those people are awesome! Thanks for your time here have a lovely christmas

  13. Maybe because whole chicken more economical than other means. I can't say.. I feel maybe it has been taken as a norm.

  14. Wow! That's it bro @Larry Frank that is the spirit and the feeling especially in Nigeria, we were brought up with the practice in a cultural way though it's Indirectly however, it is dominant and inevitable to have "Chicken" label to our christmas, (Kinda funny Though) Thanks for sharing your own opinion with us, your chicken is on the way, best regards.

  15. Yeah that is very true, @ Mazino thanks for giving your opinion

  16. A very funny one! Actually I think it comes down to tradition just like with many other traditions throughout the year. A example would be Thanksgiving like Harleena mentioned. I do also wish for most that it could be about family and the birth of Christ more than about so may man made traditions.

    For me the holidays is a time to be even more thankful than we should be all throughout the year. A time when family and friends come together and love is shown to all. A time to reach out and help those less fortunate than us.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  17. Thank you for charing your opinion @ Nathaniel Kidd even though you choose to leave the Topic out and talk more about The Holiday and significants of the season still Good to have you here buddy! Enjoy your holiday and of course #MerryChristmas

  18. Hi Tolulope

    I must say that this article is very interesting as well as funny. You know I once asked this question too but I think you anwsered it by saying that the Christian Chicken Cullture is a tradition that people adopted in Nigeria.

    Also remember that some of the Western films that show we watch on Christmas has this large table with family holding hands and praying had a big influence on Nigerians (LOL)

    Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas

    1. Yeah! Yeah that is very true @Ikechi I so much agree with you but even those who doesn't have the access to watch the america movie also embrace this christmas chicken culture it's just so prevalent and infact am already eating my own christmas chicken right now Lol... Thanks for the comment

  19. Simply because as it was in the beginning, so it is now and so shall it be for ever. Chicken has a special taste.

    1. hum! That is the Ma'am Funmy i am happy to see you making contribution here
      Regards..., am coming to have my own chicken. Merry Chrictmas

  20. Wow I didn't know!..lol.. I seen your post at Aha!NOW and the title grabbed my attention. I knew on Thanksgiving most people have Turkey but not chicken on Christmas. If that's the case then every day is Christmas for me and my family. I know we eat it at least three times a week in some shape or form.

    When I think about it, I see ham more than chicken on Christmas. I going to pay more attention to what's being severed thanks to this post. And plus talking about it has made me hungry. I'm about to go eat some.....CHICKEN!

    1. Wow! This is so pretty awesome and amazing.. I know the feeling when you are the type that takes chicken meat often however it's still awesome to have the taste yummy in your meal during this season....! So goo I have ginger your morale to eat Chicken right now so make sure you send mine via the Mail.

  21. I would say it just a tradition or maybe people see chicken as the best kind of meat among others so people tend to eat the best meal on such season. Asides that there are also so e selected kinds of food people do eat during the moment. I think eating chicken during Christmas is a sign that people refer it to be the best meat among others.

    1. yeah Thanks dammy I agree with you and thanks for sharing your own point of view about it Thanks, Merry Christmas

  22. WOW! this is a very nice question, i will say i prefer it bcos of the availability and the nutritional value.

  23. Beautiful, considering the nutritional value i think it is very good option. Thanks for sharing your own opinion here.


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