How to start a commercial poultry farming business - Introduction to Poultry

One of the hot and booming business in the agricultural sector of
Nigeria nowadays is poultry farming making so many private investors
turn their million to a billion dollar investment and its turning into
a big and competitive thing.

One of the amazing thing about the
opportunity hidden in this business is the population of the people
even despite the massive  growth in the number of poultry farmers,
Nigerian still import chicken meat meaning the number of poultry and
the production level can not meet the demand.


 There are so many
opportunities in poultry farming business and so many sector you can
consider before starting.  Poultry generally refers to group of birds
reared for food and other purposes.

 These birds are reared mainly for
meat, egg and manure. Poultry birds that are raised for egg are called
LAYERS while the ones raised for Meat and fattening are Broilers.

of the great benefit of poultry business in Nigeria is the consistent
and available market and this market value appreciate all the time.
Just like you read in the Title post of the post, we are considering
how to start a commercial poultry farm business that grows big.

starting a poultry farm you need to ask yourself some of there
questions what return do you want after the 1st production year?

area do you want to specialize?
Hatching of eggs?
Feed mill and feed processing?
 Your answer to this question will
determine your success level in the business plan. The following are
the steps to starting a successful poultry farm business;

1. GET A LAND: you need to get a site where you will handle the birds its
  advisable you situate this in a rural area with less number of
residence so that the environment won't be polluted in terms of noise,
solid waste and smell. Base on your choice you can get a land of 2
hectare even a plot, construct the poultry building or employ the
service of expert to do this for you .

It is good to go on a large
scale and intensive system so as to get a good result the two housing

2. STOCKING OF GOOD BREED: You need to get good breed of birds that
performs excellently well if you're  consider egg production i
recommend "White leghorn" which are the best egg producer. Early day
old chick sees between 200 to 250naira and you can order for healthy
and improved birds at Obasanjo farm in Otta Ogun state. As at time of
writing this article they produce 8million birds in their hatchery per
day that really a big deal.

3. PROPER FEEDING: This is very important
in poultry farming adequate farming is required it as to be well done!
  In fact if you're producing broilers (meat and fatteners) you're to
provide the feeds to them as much as they required. Broilers are ready
for market sale and consumption after 8weeks.

  Broilers currently
sells between 3000 to 5000naira if you produce 20.000 thousand birds
for a start you know how much you would make and alternatively if you
are wish to take your business to the next level you can raise
2million birds and consider an abattoir (a machine that process live
birds into raw chicken) and sell the meat international, earn foreign
exchange and gain opportunities around the globe.


 4. PROPER MEDICATION: As sweet and amazing poultry busiiness is in Nigeria you
must be sure to check into their health and well-being at all time
birds are a very fragile animal and they can fall sick at anytime
without pro signs, diseases spread fast among birds since they are
raised and reared together in the same folus.

Consult vet doctors for
proper medications and injections, regular vitamin and minerals is
very essential for health performance of birds at all time.

 5. TARGETED MARKET AND CONSUMERS: As you are growing in your poultry
business be sure to understand the interest of your customers there
are many people who concentrate on egg production because they have
customers who are ready to buy as many million eggs so far its
available they ranges from Hotels,
food stores
and many more, so be sure you know your targeted customers and do
extend your tentacles there are many organizations out there who are
wiling to buy from you.

There are many opportunities that awaits you
in poultry but as they say "one step taking is better than million
intentions" you need to start now we made this more of an overview or
prospect of poultry farming business in Nigeria there are still more
things to share and consider in starting a successful poultry farm and
we will be sharing most of them together on this farm in our future
post please do share this article with friends and subscribe your
email so as not to miss our future posts.

The next post will go
detailed into the husbandry of poultry birds the care feeding and lots more...

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