Agric news; 70years old man makes N2million annually in Maize farming Business in Nigeria

A 70years old mechanized farmer has called on Nigerians to take Farming and Agriculture serious saying he makes N2 million annually from maize farming alone.

‘’I have since childhood love agriculture and it’s my profession, I have been on the terrain of agriculture for over 5oyears now and its profitable and lucrative alongside. I have seven (7) children who are all graduates and I catered for them through farming. One of my sons has joined me in farming and we make an average of N2 million annually from maize farming alone’’  said Pa Isaiah Oladejo, whose farm is based in Osogbo, Osuns state.

He enjoined the youth to stop complaining of been broke and considering themselves as unemployed or waiting endlessly for the non-existing white collar Jobs.

He said, ‘’through farming you can feed yourself, family, the nation, be self-employed and be self-empowered’’  
Pa Oladejo explained  that  farming requires passion and good sense of planning a  profession and encouraged the youths to come into it as most of the present farmers are old and becoming  weak to actively continue.

According to him the notion that agriculture cannot sustain livelihood is totally untrue.
‘’ Do you know the impact of food production if 10,000 Nigerian graduates engage in Agriculture? ‘’

Pa  Oladejo, recalled that he came to Osun state in 1963, and said since then farming has become a way of life for him, pro the development growth in the business he now manages 50 acres of farmland, where he cultivates different food crops.

The farmer with over 50years experience identifies access to fertilizer and farm machinery as the major challenges facing the farmers in increasing their yield.

He acknowledges the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo whose leadership as the Governor of the Old western region led to the creation of Farm settlements across the region.

He also charged those in leadership position to initiate projects that would impact the lives of their electorates.

He called for issue-based and people-focused leadership which he said would position the country on the right path.

Writters' view : Agriculture is a natural God given occupation for me and even with it, life becomes eaier and we can feed the world, instead of searching for the non-existing white - collar Job you can take up Agriculture and bean employer in the process

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