Agriculture Helpdesk : Four major posts of with highest page views!!!

I realize i need to apologize to my readers have not been faithful to my readers in terms of updating my BLOG am really sorry,

It just as a result of my busy-ness offline, engagement and academic commitments (am still a student  you can connect with me on FACEBOOK ),

so i was deliberating on what i should write but seriously i scroll through my Blog archive so i realize there are some great articles that were been featured on GREEN HEALTHY FARM  that most of our new readers are probably now aware of,
so i intend to bring them to your notice,
everyday i get one or two  mails from loyal readers of  requesting for one thing or the other  in respect to this Agricultural community i really want to appreciate everyone who takes time to read through my Posts always.

Today, i have decided to compile together various post that got the highest views on this blog as a result of their incredible impact and quality information, the older readers are probably aware of most of this posts but our new readers might probably not.


1. List of lucrative agricultural business to start up in 2014

can venture into both on part-time bases and full time.
are various sectors of agriculture and farming you can invest into
and stop the job-seeking lifestyle!
Be self-employed and empowered! Be
your own boss!
- See more 

2.  Benefits of drinking milk and adding milk to your daily diet

Milk is a well known creamy white beverage that is gotten from diary
animals which includes; cattle, pig, goat and sheep obviously its
paramount source is basically from diary cattles especially in this
part of the world the reason is simply because the animal produce so
much beyond what the baby needs. Am sure we were all brought up with
milk but today i wanna talk more on the health benefits of this amazing
 I actually wrote this article when we were still updating on health on this blog but now we are focus on agriculture - see more.

3.  Top major areas to focus your poultry farm business on to make more profit.

You will agree with me that Poultry farming is one of the fast growing
agricultural business in the industry now and as such, there are so
many competitions that is coming in, obviously some people venture
into poultry farming raising chickens without any concentration on the
things that matters and this might affect the entire result at the end
of the production year.  Due to this flaws that often happens to new
investors in the industry have decided to open our eye to the major
booming areas of poultry farming so that you won't join the queue or
run at loss.
-See more
You can read a our 'series on Poultry farming"

4.   Poultry series: Management of day old chicks to maturity in Poultry farming
We wrote this post as part of our poultry series and management  practices in poultry farming it was probably one of the post we arranged together in our poultry week its highly comprehensive and elaborate well explained and self-explanatory.
See more. 

5. Organic Farming :  recommendable for plantation Agriculture, benefits of organic farming

This is one of our old time post that got the highest views and it as been ranking for most of its keyword, this is a post i wrote  in respect to planting of crops and vegetables and the advancement that as taken place over time with the latest research findings it shows that organic farming - natural agriculture is one of the most effective and old concept of planting crops and farming which as actually yielded the best result so far though, with the inception of modern farming techniques  it as been neglected and thus, increase in utilization of fertilizer, chemicals and all forms of scientific application as taken place but to be candid, all this have impacts on our organic vegetables and food generally, chemicals are not too good for our health especially when applied without considering the right dosage it can caused lots of damage to lifes.
 read more on organic farming.

6. Cassava, a sustainable and all-time crop, uses, storage, benefits to health
You see, this one of the articles i so much enjoy written on myself, it discuss elaborately on the benefits and general value of cassava, in the post i was able to share with my reader lost of hidden secret behind cassava, uses, storage and even how this incredible crop as made fortune for many people across the world, others that are earning a foreign exchange planting cassava, processing it and other benefits am so sure you will enjoy it . READ MORE

This is the total compilation of posts featured on GREENHEALTHYFARM with the highest readership because of their enormous benefits please do share this with your friends and don't forget to LIKE us on FACEBOOK and follow us on TWITTER.

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