How to manage a commercial fish farm | principles in fish pond farming in Nigeria

We recently shared an article on practical system to be adopted in
fish farming and also
we also write to our reader about the story
of a young graduate who makes million in fish farming business inNigeria.

That is how lucrative fish farming business is and the more
you dive into it the more skills you develop and the more profit you
make' one of the best reasons why fish farming still remain is because
there is a stable market for it in Nigeria as so many people love fish
more than any other protein coupled with the fact that there is
millons of peoplE in Nigeria.

A typical Fish-pond

Most of what a new starter should know
have been discussed you can read it here


    Fish farming is never  a business for small guys trial and
error is never a good idea you need to have a comprehensive knowledge
about it and how to make most out of it.

Starting a Mega fish farm
business in Nigeria there are some basic requirements that you must
take note and give proper attention to in order for you to experience
a potential success in your business.        

   Some of the important factors includes: 

1. Location: this is very important for a
bigtime fish farming enterprise, if your fish farm is well situated
you have no problem with the health of the fish and strenght of your

A good location is a free and not slopy altitude.
Cool and cold ground, there are some soil that absorbs heat from sun this kind
of soil are not good for fish farming business, the location must be
noise free and free from predators and chemical attack that can kill
the fish in matter of minutes.

 2. Availability of Water: a regular water supply will speed up progress in a fish farm, fishes are aquatic
animals and they desire an aquatic environment and a fish pond is an
artificial water body that is made provided for fish by man in oreder
to breed them for various use, if you want to invest in fish farming
there is need for regular water supply to help your fish farm grow
bigger, a regular chnaging of pond water brings about healthy fishes
and it as been discovered that regular changing of the fish pond water
when needed goes a long way to enhance the palatability of the fish -
the primary reason of rearing and breeding fishes is for local
consumption by people.

3. Availability of Fish feed: another thing you need to consider is availability of fish feed as feeding is
one of the most important and cost effective aspect of fish farming,
there is need for regular supply of concentrate fish feed.

You can easily buy *coppens* fish feed at feedmills but you have to take down
your budget on feeding majorly because appropriate feeding is done in
morning and evening daily this means you should supply feeds to sihes
both in the morning and evening *twice in 24hours* fish farming is
sweet easy and profitable when  proper planning is in place as regard
feeding of the fishes, if your fishes starve too much they will grow
so slow or float on the pond *meaning they are simply dead!*

 4. Pond size: this is very important in your business and it will be
determine base on the type of farming system you adopt and how much
fish you are willing to raise, you can also get help from a near by
fish farm or experience fish farm that will predict a durable size for
starter or if you are already in the business you can  increase your
fish pond size to accomodate more fishes and increase  profit at the

 5. Market: this is not a problem in fish farming as the
market demand id even more than the supply of fish right now in
Nigeria. However there is need to figure out where and how to
effectively market your fishes for mazimum profit.
You can sell it at the market, you can consider a cold room for your fish market spot,
where people can find and buy fish regularly, you can sell in bulk to
restuarants or hotels.
You can meet other fish farmers around for tips
on how to effectively market your fish for profits.

5. Labour: base on the system adopted and the size of the fish pond there is need for
you to employ labourers that will help you carry out some daily farm
practices like feeding the fish, cleaning the farm,  changing the pond
water, harvesting the fish, pumping of water and other essential farm

 6. Hatchery: yeah! Raising and breeding fishes are no the
only way you can make money in fish farming business you can also
extract semens and egg from the body of fishes are produce newly
hatched fishes "FINGERLINS" and sell them infact this is one the
effective ways to make unlimited profits from fish farming business as
many people are venturing into fish farming business each and everyday
and they keep buying newly hatched fish to start their farm so you can
supply as many as possible and make unlimited profit from it,
indeed - Fish farming is a lucrative business.

Let say you hatched 500,000 fishes and you sold them for #30 each now #30 x 500,000 wow! thats a huge amount of money and hatching can e done daily if you now the techniques and you have the resouces we promise in our future post on this blog we will share more on how to hatch fish and raise them young before selling out.

If you are a fish farmer and you love to contribute you can do so via the comment box below.

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