How To Start A Food Supply Business in Nigeria

How To Start A Food Supply Business in Nigeria

Are you good in cooking food? How delicious is or are the tastes of your food? If you have the full confidence and you can boast of the tastes of your food any where,then the world is at your right hand.

Food supply is one of the fastest growing businesses in the Nigeria economy, that have enable million smiles to the bank. The following are the secret that would lead you to a successful career:

Get Your Capital

To get your business started you need capital, but at the same time it is advisable to start your own business with the little cash in hand that is readily available. If possible talks to your friends and family rather than rushing to the bank for loan,although the may accept your request; but this may not be the best option at the very early stage of your business,due to the amount of interests rate that may be require to pay back the loan.

Be Good At What You Cook

The ability to cook delicious variety of foods and is being testified by everyone is a step forward that you are good at what you do. If you are privilege to have run  restaurant before,would be an added advantage to you. Try to invite others to see and taste your dishes. You can use your home as an address for business and if you can afford rent a shop.


Get Your Business Registered

Register your business with the responsible body,Nigeria corporate affair commission (C.A.C) and with simple but unique business name for your business that your customers would easily remember.

Create A Strong Network 

Strong networking system is one of the best ways to create a strong customers base and to reach the desire people. 

Take time to visit event centers, organisations or companies, in forms some friends,create banners,use van that carry your business name and address etc. Promote your business online on  Facebook, through this million of people will get to know you.

Good Negotiation

As you take steps toward the starting of your business, understand the important of negotiation in your business,because this can make you run into loss,when you are suppose to gain. Start with high rates or amount so that when the other party evenly respond with what they can afford,the agreed rate may be favorable to you. Compares your price with other competitors and fixed your price.

Maintain A Good Cleaning Habits

Your being clean is another step to success. Most customers easily feel discourage the moment they notice that your appearance,environment and your utensils,or plates are not hygienic,its spark off their interest in you and especially the foods you served/supply. Keep your environment clean at all time.

Work With An Agreed Time 

It is important,you work with an agreeable time,most African are not time conscious, especially in business issues. Therefore,be sure you are timely conscious. Since,most workers may prefer to take their breakfast before their resuming duty. And if there is an arrangement for launch make sure you work with an appointed time. 

Finally,the Nigeria business environment is a growing business opportunities,therefore make use of this advantage and you will smiles to the bank.

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