How to start a worm farming business

A first look at this title may make you go ‘gosh, Worm farming?’ Well,
indeed worms can be reared in farms just like snail farming, pig
farming and other classes of farming that you may know. Worm farming
today has come to stay because it has moved from its primitive stage
where it was only an activity and hobby, to what it is today – a line
of business.

In every business, there are rules and guidelines that one must follow

in order to achieve success. The same principles apply when you want
to start out in worm farming. So if going into this kind of business
is uttermost on your mind, then equipping yourself with the very right
things that are fundamental must be put in place to start Worm Farming
business and to succeed at it.

So just what are those things that you must do to kick start your worm

farming business? Here are the top tips to go by.
Starting a Worm Farm – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Knowledge is Key

There are different types of worms that you can begin to rear. For

example; there are the red worms, European night crawlers, amongst
others. Having a vast knowledge of the different types of worms and
their characteristics will help you decide which type or class to
adopt for your Worm business. It would do you a world of good to do
research, read books, and check the internet for relevant information
on worms.

2. Get a Suitable Location

Not every environment is conducive for worms. Just like in normal

business life, citing a business in a wrong location can spell doom
for that business. It is therefore imperative that you get a moist
place. This could be either the basement in your house or an
artificially constructed rearing facility that is moist enough for the
worms. That is not to say that these worms don’t do well in harsh
weather conditions, but it means it could still withstand temperatures
in the range of 40 – 80 F (4 – 27 C).

Also, you must be sure to keep them out of the rain. The reason you

see worms when it rains is because they look for warm weather
conditions, and so are all out in the rains looking for a warm place
to hide.

3. Build a Suitable Container

You would definitely need quite a number of containers to put the

worms in. This depends on what scale you have decided to start. These
containers will help to house the worms, and they don’t necessarily
have to be expensive. It could be made out of plastic, fiberboard or
even wood. However, the wood is probably the best because it has the
capacity to hold the moist from the soil .You could construct them
yourself or visit a local store to buy worm houses. Mark you, it is
important to drill drain holes in the containers.

4. Lay the Container with Beddings

Different materials can be used for this purpose – shredded papers are

most probably the most convenient to get and it also provides enough
comfort for your worms. Nonetheless, you could also use shredded
cardboard, leaves and other yard wastes. Mix these with some scoops of
soil because worms need some dirt. Desist from using any toxic
material for beddings, as the worms could be hurt or killed in the
process. Be sure to keep the bin filled at about three-quarter level,
as well as keep it damp and free from dripping.

5. Choose Your Worm Type

As noted earlier, there are different kinds of worms. However, you

have to decide on which type you want to place in your worm farm. Try
to figure out these questions; where you will get them from? What
quantity would you need to start with? Also, note that whichever kind
you choose automatically determines the kind of clients you could
attract for profit. Red worms are excellent for making the compost
that green gardeners use for fertilization. You could go the extra
mile of searching the internet to find hybrid sellers who can pay

6. Fill the Containers with Correct Ration of Worms to bedding and Food

Here is one other area you must be sure to get right; the standard

rule which is acceptable is a 2:1 ratio of pounds worms to daily
pounds of food. This amounts approximately to 2000 night crawlers.
Hence, your bin should be large enough to accommodate this number so
as to prevent a stampede amongst the worms in these containers.

7. Feed Your Worms Daily

After you have taken the step talked about earlier to research the

kind of breed you would want to rear, you must have also armed
yourself with the information about how often you should feed them.
So, as a rule of thumb, avoid feeding them with meat, dairy, overly
oily foods and grains. If you do, it becomes smelly and could attract
flies. Coffee grounds, and granulated egg shells are also a good
source of meal for worms. They are also very cheap to get especially
as you might want to save some money. Be sure to ensure you place the
food in one spot and not spread it around.

8. Go to the Local Market

As your worms begin to grow and multiply, it becomes imperative that

you go to market to make some profit. Tell people who you think might
need the worms about how advantageous it might be for them when they
buy your worms. Contact your prospective customers and clients to let
them know that the supply is ready.

As it is for every other business, you must begin at the outset of

your business to think about its future, the purpose of going into
business is to have it grow in years to come. Begin to brainstorm and
map out what the growth projection of your worm business might be.
Also, you can begin to plot how you might possibly stay at the top of
your game when indeed that growth comes. How you pull all these all
off depends greatly on the first foot you put out to start this

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