How to Start Agriculture/Farming Business in Nigeria

How to Start Agriculture/Farming Business in Nigeria

After writing an article on how to start major farming businesses in Nigeria and make more profits, I have been having and receiving so many messages and feedback and in due to this, I want to answer most of your concern, I discover that both ladies and men are actually interested in venturing into so many kind of farming businesses this year, that is really impressive I also noticed most people only have the interest in place but they don’t have enough knowledge to help them get started and some don’t know which one to invest into, but I am glad to inform you that this is the reason why we have Greenheathyfarm Agriculture and Farmers Online Blog Community, where you can share and read business ideas as regard to farming and Agriculture on various fields.

Before we continue I strongly recommend that you read this two articles on Starting and running a successful farming business and various lists of lucrative farming out of which you can make your choice and get started with little and almost no capital. Article 1 and Article 2.

In Nigeria, we have so many lands that are readily available for agriculture and farming; the wise and smart ones are already securing the lands and making good use of it. Fortunately the Nigeria Government as facility Agricultural business for small and medium scale enterprise where we have so many farmers funding programs in place and entrepreneurship fund raising programs like ‘Youwin” are also helping farmers and new agro business investors to get started and make progress in their fields.

The Government understands the fact that you are in need of money to facilitate any kind of farming activity you have chosen; therefore you don’t have to panic we’ve gat your back covered!

Venturing into Agricultural farming and agro based businesses involves a lot of things and in the next few minutes, I will be sharing some of the most crucial and important parts of this investment with everyone. Some of the Farming Businesses that you can consider now and make good money includes; 

Image result for livestock farming

Pig Farming,

Poultry  farming and Egg Production

Sheep and Goat Farming,

Dairy Farming, 
Hydroponics Farming

Cattle Farming, 

Rabbit Farming, 
Pig Farming

Bee Farming, 

Yam Farming, 

Cassava Farming, 

Vegetable Oil and Groundnut Oil Production

Palm Kernel Farming,

Cashew/ Cashew Nut Farming,

Arable Crop Farming, 

Cash Crop Farming,

Local Food Production and export.

The list go on and on, I will be updating them as I remember, but for now these are the ones I can still remember, farming is so lucrative and versatile and it must be handled with care, I must caution you to be careful and specialize so that you can make progress and also get a tangible reward for your investment, you can choose any of the above listed farming practices and get started but before then I will be giving you some important keys to succeed in any business you choose.

How to Succeed in your Farming Businesses

Image result for livestock farming

  1. Equip and Empower yourself : This is very important you might be having the interest but really its not enough to make things happen for instance; if you are interested in pig farming, take some times out to visit a pig farm on a regularly basis let your plans be made known to the farmer and he will direct and guide you through the entire procedure and how to get started, agriculture is so broad, wide and lucrative and its just like the sky everybody can succeed. Venturing into a farming business without the required equipment, human resources, technical know-how can jeopardize the whole thing and wreak havoc on the whole farm investment, so before you venture into anything make sure you empower yourself and acquire so much knowledge in it, as much as we can try as a farmers Website, we will keep you inform with basic and quality knowledge on various aspects of farming.
  2. Get your Capital : This is very important, even as you make your logistics around the new business, get the required ready based on the type of farming you are venturing into and the requirement it entails either for small and large scale, its up to you to decide, buti do advice new farmers to start small so as to watch and monitor their profits and lose at the end of the farming year. This will go a long way to help you actualize your aims and fulfill your goals faster, list down every cost from the building, land, feed, machineries, workmanship and miscellaneous spending and draft out a perfect capital expenditure before starting anything on your new farming business establishment.
  3. Feasibility Studies : This is too important to be ignored, feasibility studies is very important and helpful in every business especially in agriculture where you are dealing with livestock and plants that can die within a seconds and can do well if proper managed and well monitored. Feasibility studies will help you to determine the cost expenses, lose and the market potential of a product in a particular community. Feasibility studies as the power to help you discover the lucrativeness and profitability of any farming business you wish to start right before you venture into it and with time you will be able to make your decision right whether to invest your money or to postpone the deal till a better season.
  4. Discover your Market before Time : Agriculture is a very versatile investment and it deals with so much seasonal market especially when were talking of plantation agriculture like production of maize, rice, plantain, cassava, and fruit crops, these are very lucrative plants and they are season even as we have in livestock like chicken, fish and so on,  it is very important you discover and figure out your market and customers before the time of selling your product, this will ensure you have a demand list inning up before the time of supply; though currently in Nigeria, it doesnt matter the kind if agricultural and farm products you are selling, you will always have a stable buyers so marketing agricultural products in Nigeria is so fast and easy because of the large population density.

Infact, currently the Nigerian government are calling for more farmers as the food production level is yet to meet up with the ever increasing population, this s the reason why the former president – Olusegun Obasanjo brought up the law and innovation “ Operation Feed the Nation” some years back which harnesses the implementation of a per house farming system, whereby every houses in Nigeria are advice to engage in one farming or the other alongside with their other occupations so that feeding the nation will be a possibility for all and 50 vegetable farmers will not have to be consume with the burden of feeding a state of 20,000 people.

I hope you have been able to discover some new and useful/helpful tips towards your farm business and agricultural investment ?

If you have any further questions, you can ask them via the comment below.

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