Moringa oleifera – Moringa Flower

Moringa Oleifera tree is fast growing tree, and just after eight months comes it’s first bloom.
 Moringa flowers are approximately one inch in diameter and a creamy white color. 
Image result for moringa
They could be harvested at any time, but younger flowers are better, quality wise.

 These flowers are considered a delicacy in many places on the planet. 
They contain good amount of both calcium and potassium. Some people say that they taste like mushrooms. 
You can mix Moringa flowers in a salad or fry them in Moringa oil, as well as add them to many dishes like: lasagna, omelets, soups, sea food, pasta dishes, pizzas… Just one note, be careful how much you eat, because they have laxative effect on the body.
Moringa Flower - Moringa facts
Moringa Flowers – source wikimedia – Vinayaraj (
Moringa flowers could be either dry in the shade, or in the oven under low temperature to be stored for tea making.
 The flowers sit in hot water for at least five minutes to let the distinctive flavor brew. 
After that tea could be sweetened with honey or sugar.

Moringa tea has both nutritional benefits and works as a medicine. 

In some countries people drink very strong Moringa flowers tea on a first sign of the cold to boost their immune system, or to treat a sore throat.

 In Puerto Rico the flowers are made into an infusion and used as an eye wash.

 For a long time in Ayurvedic medicine, Moringa flowers are used to treat inflammations, muscle diseases, tumors and enlargement of the spleen. Be aware: flowers can act an abortifacient so do not use in pregnancy.
People in India and Philippines drink Moringa tea regularly for nutrition and general wellness. Breastfeeding mothers drink it to increase milk production. 
Women drink Moringa tea for cramping and bloating connected to their menstrual cycles, and man report increasing in stamina during their working day.

Moringa oleifera – Moringa Flower was last modified: May 5th, 2015 by Moringa Facts

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