Keeping colourful and fancy fishes known as ornamental fishes, aquarium fishes, or live jewels is one of the oldest and most popular hobbies in the world. The growing interest in aquarium fishes has resulted in steady increase in aquarium fish trade globally.
Technology At present in India, hundreds of exotic and indigenous ornamental fish varieties are being bred under captive condition. Majority of the production goes to domestic market and to some extent for export. A generalised production cycle of ornamental fishes is given below.
There are quite a large number of tropical aquarium fishes known to the aquarists. While many of the fishes are easy to breed, some of these are rare, difficult to breed and expensive. Most of the exotic species can be bred and reared easily since the technology is simple and well developed. It is advisable to start with common, attractive, easily bred and less expensive species before attempting the more challenging ones.
Haryana Fisheries Department has established an Ornamental Fish Hatchery a Fish Seed Farm Saidpura, Karnal. The deptt. provide technical know for rearing and breeding of the ornamental fishes so that unemployed youths. Fish farmers can adopt the latest technology to enhance fish production and simultaneously raise their income.
Culture/rearing : The culture/rearing of these fishes can be taken up normally in cement tanks. Cement tanks are easy to maintain and durable. One species can be stocked in one tank. However, in case of compatible species two or three species can occupy the same tank. Ground water from dug wells / deep tube wells/ borewells are the best for rearing fish. The fishes reach marketable size in around 4 to 6 months. Eight to ten crops can be taken in a year.
Feeding : Young fish are fed mainly with Infusoria, Artemia, Daphnia , Mosquito larvae Tubifex and Blood worms. For rearing, formulated artificial or prepared feed can be used. At present no indigenous prepared feed for aquarium fish is available. The amount and type of food to be given depends on the size of the fry. Feeding is generally done twice in a day or according to the requirement. For rearing from fry stage dry/ prepared feed can be used.
Breeding : Ninety five per cent of our ornamental fish export is based on wild collection. Such capture based export is not sustainable and it is a matter of concern for the industry. In order to sustain the growth it is absolutely necessary to shift the focus from capture to culture based development. Moreover, most of the fish species grown for their ornamental importance can be bred in India successfully. Organised trade in ornamental fish depends on assured and adequate supply, which is possible only through mass breeding. The method of breeding is based on the family characteristics of the fish.
The success of breeding depend on the compatibility of pairs, the identification of breeders which is a skill gained through experience. Generally the brooders are selected from the standing crop or purchased and reared separately by feeding them with good live food. However, it is always better to buy good brood stock and replace the breeders. Otherwise, the original characteristic of the species keeps on getting diluted because of continuous inbreeding. Brooders especially egg layers should be discarded after few spawnings.
Health care : Water exchange, is a must for maintaining water quality conducive for the fish health. Only healthy fish can withstand the effects of transportation and fetch a good price. Permitted chemicals / antibiotics, vitamins, etc can also be used for preventing / treating diseases.
Market: At present the market is mainly domestic and the demand is increasing steadily. The export market for indigenously bred exotic species is also fast growing and encouraging.
Economics of Ornamental Fish Rearing
1 | Capital Investment | |
| (i) Excavation of 1000 sqm. Nursery area | 30000.00 |
| (ii) Shallow Tubewell with 5 H.P. Engine | 60000.00 |
| (iii) Inverter 1100 KVA | 15000.00 |
| (iv) Aerator Heavy Duty | 7000.00 |
| (v) Aeration pipe fitting | 5000.00 |
| Total | 117000.00 |
2 | Operational Cost (Single Crop of 3 months) | |
| (i) Cost of 40000 early fry of Ornamental @ Rs. 0.60 per piece | 24000.00 |
| (ii) Feed for 3 months | 2000.00 |
| (iii) Electricity and water charges | 6000.00 |
| (iv) Medicine and probiotic | 1000.00 |
| Total | 33000.00 |
| Total Expenditure | 150000.00 |
B | Income | |
| (i) Sale of 20000 Nos. Ornamental Advance fingerlings @ Rs. 4/- per piece in a single crop of 3 months | 80000.00 |
| (ii) Total sale of 3 crops per year | 240000.00 |
C | Net Income(B(-)1+II) | 90000.00 |
Economics of Ornamental Fish Rearing
Capital Investment
| |
(i) Construction of 12 Nos. of RBC Cisterns each of 2x1x1mtr.
(ii) Aeration pipe and fittings
(iii) Aerator
(iv) Invertor
(v) 1000 liter Over Head Tank
(vi) 1st bore well with single phase electric motor
Operational Cost (Single Crop of 3 months)
| |
(i) Cost of 40000 early fry @ Rs. 0.60 per piece
(ii) Fish feed of 3 months
(iii) Electricity and water charges
(iv) Medicine and probiotic
Total Expenditure
| |
(i) Sale of 20000 Nos. Ornamental Advance fingerlings @ Rs. 4/- per piece in a single crop of 3 months
(ii) Total sale of 3 crops per year
| Net Income(B(-)1+II) |
Integrated Fish Farming
Fisheries Department provides technical and financial assistance from integrated fish farming. The Integrated fish farming practices utilize the waste form different components of the system viz live stock, poultry, duckery, piggery and agriculture byproducts for fish production. 40-50 kg of organic wastes are converted into one kg of fish, while the pond silt is utilized as fertilizers for the fodder corps, which in turn is used to raise livestock. The system of integrated farming is very wide.
The system provides meal, milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, mushroom, fodder & grains in addition to fish. It utilizes the pond dykes which otherwise remain utilized for the production of additional food and income to the farmer. The possible integrated farming systems are given blow :-
a) Fish cum Agriculture System
b) Fish cum Animal System
Fish cum Paddy Culture
Fish cum Diary
Fish cum water chestnut
Fish cum Pig Farming
Fish cum Pappaya
Fish cum Rabbit Farming
Fish cum Mulberry
Fish cum Poultry
Fish cum Mushroom
Fish cum Duck Farming
| |
| Pond Fish Farming | |
Fish Farming is an age old activity and in practice from ancient times. The concept of composite fish culture was developed by ICAR in late seventies under a coordinated composite fish culture project. This comprises the culture of 3 indigenous species of fish viz. rohu, catla and mrigal and 3 exotic fish i.e silver carp, grass carp and common carp, keeping in view their different food habit and habitat. This practice has been very well accepted by the farmers of Haryana as its cultural practices are analogous to agriculture. The successful fish culture requires ploughing of pond, addition of manure, stocking of fish seed; eradication of unwanted aquatic plants and animals, watering the pond; harvesting the crop and marketing of the produce. The fish culture technologies and economics are simple and understandable to the fish farmers. To produce one kilogram fish, the requirements are:-
| - one cubic meter water - one kilogram manure and 100 gm inorganic fertilizer - one kilogram supplementary feed - and one year time
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Cost of production of fish is Rs. 18/kg and the sale price on an average is Rs.50/- per kg. A net profit of Rs.180000 per hectare per year is obtained, The pond fish culture practice is being adopted by farmers in all the districts of the state. There are 18000 fish culture units having an area of more than 16921.69 hectares in the state. The ownership of these ponds vested with the panchayats. Panchayat leases out their ponds to the farmer's for fish farming. These village ponds are generally visited by cattle for drinking water. The cattle refuse dung and urine in the pond. The organic waste released by the cattle are recycled into manure and help in the production of plankton which is basic food for fish. Thus all the village fish culture ponds in Haryana are the good example of fish cum cattle farming. With the passage of time, the farmers have modified the technologies as per the need. Generally Rohu,catla, mrigal and common carp are used for culture. The stocking density is kept at 20000 fish seed per hectare. Farmers have adopted the technique of multiple harvesting. which give better returns. Govt. provides 20% subsidy to general category while 25% to scheduled caste fish farmers for excavation of new pond/ renovation of old pond and fisheries inputs.
Economics of Fish Farming
| Construction of Pond,Water Supply Channel, Installation of Tubewell/Renovation/Lease Amount |
| Electricity & Water charges |
| Cost of 250Kg Lime |
| 20000 Fish Seeds |
| Organic Fertilizer |
| Inorganic Fertilizer |
| Supplimentry feed |
| Medicine, Fishing, Watch & Ward |
| | |
| |
| Sale of 6000 KG Fish @ 50 KG at pond site |
| | |
Net Income (B-A)
| |
Note:- The Income may vary on the productivity and market price of a pond
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| Integrated Fish Farming | |
Fisheries Department provides technical and financial assistance for integrated fish farming. The Integrated fish farming practices utilize the waste from different components of thc system viz. live stock, poultry, duckery, piggery and agriculture byproducts for fish production. 40-50 kg of organic wastes are converted into one kg of fish, while the pond silt is utilized as fertilizers for the fodder crops, which in turn is used to raise livestock. The system of integrated farming is very wide. The system provides meal, milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, mushroom, fodder & grains in addition to fish. It utilizes the pond dykes which otherwise remain unutilized for the production of additional food and income to the farmer. The possible'integrated farming systems are given below:
| a) Fish cum Agriculture System | | b) Fish cum Animal System | |
| Fish cum Paddy Culture Fish cum water chestnut Fish cum Pappaya Fish cum Mulberry Fish cum Mushroom | | Fish Cum Dairy Fish cum Pig Farming Fish cum Rabbit Farming Fish cum Poultry Fish cum Duck Farming | |
| | | | |
Fish cum Dairy
Fish-cum-Dairy Farming is considered as an excellent innovation for the use of organic wastes. Use of cow/buffalo manure in fish farming is a commonly prevailing practice. On an average, one cow/buffalo excretes 12000 kg of dung and 8000 litre urine per year. The cattle faeces and urine are beneficial to the filter-feeding and omnivorous fishes. On an average, 3-4 cows/buffaloes can provide sufficient manure to fertilize one hectare pond. In this system, farmer gets milk, fish and calf as well, which increases revenue and reduces input costs. The system gives a net profit of Rs.317000/- per year from one hectare land.
Economics of Fish cum Dairy
| Construction of Pond,Water Supply Channel, Installation of Tubewell/Renovation/Lease Amount |
| Electricity & Water charges |
| 2000 Fish Seeds |
| Construction of Shed for Animals (Rs. 150000/- for 10 years) |
| Purchase of 5 Murrah Buffalo (Rs 40000/- for 5 years) |
| 13000 Kg Animal Feed |
| Medicine for Animals & Fishes |
| Labour Charges |
| | |
| |
| Sale of 6000 KG Fish |
| Sale of 10000 Ltr. Milk |
| Sale of 5 Young ones of Buffalo |
Net Income (B-A)
| |
Note:- The Income may vary on the productivity and market price of a pond and dairy inputs/ bi-products
Fish cum Piggery
The pig dung as an organic manure for fish culture has certain advantages over cattle manure. The waste produced by 20-30 pigs is equivalent to one ton of Ammonium Sulphate applied to the soil.The pigs are fed largely on kitchen waste, aquatic plants and crop byproducts. At present, fish-pig integration is practiced in all the developing countries. Several exotic breeds of pigs have been introduced in the country to augment pork production. The popular races are the white Yorkshire,Berkshire and Landrace. The pigsties should provide adequate protection from adverse weather conditions. A run or courtyard adjacent to the pig house is essential. The size of the pig house depends on the number of pigs to be reared. Floor space is provided @3-4 m2 for every pig weighing 70-90 kg.The pigsties are built mostly at the pond sites and even over the ponds. The washings from the pigsties containing dung and urine are either channelised directly into the pond or composed before its application. The boars, sows and finishing stocks are housed separately. Maize, groundnut, wheat- bran, fishmeal, mineral mixture provide base for concentrated feed mixture. In advanced countries,garbage is widely used to economize pork production and provided after pre-cooking when pig dung is applied to a pond. It enhances the biological productivity of the pond. A portion of dung is directly consumed by some fish also. The excreta voided by 35-40 pigs is found adequate to fertilize one hectare of water. Integrated fish-pig farming is a viable and feasible scientific approach to augment fish production at low cost. The net income in this integration from one hectare of pond is Rs.2,60,000/-.
The droppings of birds in this system are utilized to fertilize the pond. Poultry litter recycled into fish pond produces 6000 kg fish per hectare per year. Broiler production provides good and immediate return to the farmers. Success in production depends mainly on the efficiency of the farmer, experience, aptitude and ability, in the management of the flock. This involves procurement of better brood stock, housing, brooding equipment, feeders, water trays and management practices,which also includes prevention and control of diseases. The poultry litter is applied to the pond in daily doses at a rate of 40-50 kg per hectare. The application of litter may be deferred during the days when algal blooms appear in the ponds. One adult chicken produces about 25 kg of compost poultry manure in one year. 500-600 birds would provide sufficient manure for fertilization of one hectare of fish pond. Farmer can get a net income of Rs.3,37,375/- from one hectare of pond in one year. Govt. provides financial assistance to the farmers for promoting this system.
Economics of Fish-cum-Poultry
| Construction of Pond,Water Supply Channel, Installation of Tubewell/Renovation/Lease Amount |
| Electricity & Water charges |
| Construction of Poultry Shed ( Rs.150000/- for 10 years) |
| 550 Chiks |
| 22500Kg Poultry Feed |
| Medicines for Fish & Poultry |
| Fishing, Sale of Poultry Birds & Labour |
| | |
| |
| Sale of 6000 KG Fish |
| Sale of 118750 Eggs |
| Sale of 500 KG Poultry Birds |
| Total Income |
| |
Net Income(B-A)
| |
Note:- The Income may vary on the productivity and market price of a pond and poultry inputs/ bi products
Fish cum Duck farming
Fish cum Duck Integration is most common in the developing countries. This type of integration is not popular in northern states of India. Ducks are of several types and Khaki Campbell is recommended for fish-cum-duck integration Fishpond being a semi-closed biological system with several aquatic animals and plants provides an excellent disease-free environment for the ducks. In turn, ducks consume juvenile frogs, tadpoles and dragonfly etc. there by making a safe environment for fish. Duck droppings go directly into the pond, which in turn provide essential nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus that stimulate growth of natural food organisms. Ducks also help in aerating the pond water, alongwith bottom racking. About 300 ducks are enough to fertilize a pond of one hectare. The system results in a net income of Rs. 210000/- per year per hectare. However, due to difficulty in marketing of eggs and duck meat, the system is not very common in the state.
Fish cum Horticulture
Integration of fish cum flowers, fruit plants, vegetables and mushroom can be takcn up. The pond humus is used as manure for plantation.
Pond water can be used for plants which is rich in nutrients, thereby decrease the cost on inorganic fertilizers. The pond dykes are used for the plantation.
The culture practice can be taken up as per suitablity to the location i.e. location specific. The economics also varies and depends on the type of plantation.
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| Fish Seed Production | |
Quality fish seed is the pre-requisite for successful fish farming. Department is using the techniques of hypophysation for the production of fish seed of culturable varieties. The breeding season of common carp fish in Haryana is February-March every year where as the breeding season of other species is monsoon season. Brood stock of required fish are maintained and sex-wise segreggate is made two month before. The pairing is made and injected with calculated dose of pituitary gland or ovaprim, ovatide or ovpal is injected to male and female fish. Within the 6-8 hours of the injection eggs from female and sperm from male are released in the water. The fertilizer is external. Normally one kg fish releases about one lakh eggs. The hatchlings are known as spawn. The spawn is reared in the nursary pond. After 15 days, the spawn attains the size of 25 mm and ready for stocking in the pond. More than 50 lakh fry can be produced per hectare fish seed farm in both the seasons in a year. The income from sale of fish seed is Rs. 3.25 lakh approx. per year @ Rs. 6500 per lakh. Fisheries department provides technical and financial assistance for setting up of ecotype hatchery and fish seed rearing units.
Economics of Fish Seed Production
| Construction of Eco Hatchery, Ponds, Water Supply Channel, Installation of Tubewell ( Rs/- 8 Lakh for 10 Years) |
| Electricity & Water charges |
| Cost of 250 Kg Lime |
| 1500 Kg Brood Stock |
| 100 Quntals Organic Fertilizer |
| 250 KG Urea |
| 500 KG Single Super Phosphate |
| Supplimentry feed |
| Injecting Material, Medicine, Fishing, Watch & Ward |
| | |
| |
| Sale of 500 Lac. Fish Spawn |
| Sale of 50 Lac. Fish Fry |
| Sale of Spent Brood Stock |
| | |
Net Income (B-A)
| |
Note:- The Income may vary on the productivity and market price of a pond
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Location of Fishery Seed Farms
Government Farms |
Sr. No.
Location of the Farm
Total Land Area (in hectares)
Total WaterArea (in hectares)
| Jansui (Ambala) | 1.00 | 0.94 |
| Sidpura (Karnal | 3.00 | 1.98 |
| Jyotisar (Kurukshetra) | 14.60 | 6.93 |
| Rohat (Sonepat) | 3.00 | 1.42 |
| Damadama (Gurgaon) | 6.61 | 1.25 |
6 | Badkhal (Faridabad) | 6.50 | 3.50 |
7 | Lisana (Rewari) | 4.81 | 1.93 |
8 | Sampla (Rohtak) | 6.44 | 3.24 |
9 | Kakroi (Sonepat) | 4.52 | 2.31 |
10 | Jhajjar | 4.00 | 1.42 |
11 | Tohana (Fatehabad) | 4.20 | 1.60 |
12 | Hisar | 21.80 | 7.17 |
13 | Dadupur (YamunaNagar) | 0.60 | 0.08 |
14 | Mundri (Kaithal) | 2.00 | 0.90 |
15 | Ottu (Sirsa) | 2.80 | 1.30 |
Private Farms |
Sr. No.
Location of the Farm
Total Land Area (in hectares)
Total Water Area (in hectares)
| Dherdu (Kaithal) | 2.00 | 1.80 |
| Bhutana ( Karnal) | 10.00 | 8.00 |
| Mandheri (Kurukshetra) | 10.00 | 6.40 |
| Laloda (Fatehabad) | 3.50 | 1.80 |
| Gochi (Jhajjar) | 1.00 | 0.60 |
6 | Dabra (Hisar) | 4.50 | 3.45 |
7 | Satrod( Hisar) | 4.00 | 3.25 |
8 | Julani-Khera (Kaithal) | 1.50 | 0.80 |
9 | Mauli (Panchkula) | 1.00 | 0.60 |
10 | Majra (Jhajjar) | 1.00 | 0.60 |
11 | Gagan Kheri (Hisar) | 1.60 | 1.20 |
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| Fresh Water Prawn Farming | |
There are more than 100 species of Freshwater prawn found in the world. There are more than 25 species are found in India. Out of these 10 species are important from commercial point of view. Out of them Macrobrachium rosenbengii is the main species which is used in culture practices. This is also know as giant prawn. This can be cultured in both fresh water as well as brackish water. It is fast growing animal and farmers can culture profitably. It contains 20-22 percent animal protein and has less cholestrol. It has essential amino-acids and mineral which are very important for human beings. In culture practices, the freshwater prawn has two stages i.e Nursery Pond and Growout Pond. Fresh water prawn is stocked in nursery pond for 45-60 days then it is shifted to grow-out ponds. The ponds are prepared by using manure and fertilizers. The stocking density in nursery pond is kept 2.00-2.50 lakh per hectare. Feed is provided 5 times @ 8-10 gm per kg body weight at initial stage. Check trays are used to regulate the feeding. Prawn crop becomes ready for sale with 7-8 months. The expenditure about Rs. 1.50 lakh per hectare and income is Rs. 2.50 lakh. Thus net income is Rs. 1.00 lakh per hectare in 8 months.
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Economics of Prawn Culture (Per Hect.)
Capital Investment
| Construction of Pond,Water Supply Channel, Installation of Tubewell/Renovation/Lease Amount |
| | |
Recurring Expenditure
| Electricity & Diesel |
| Cost of 250Kg Lime |
| 20 KG Urea |
| 50 KG Single Super Phosphate |
| Seed Cost of 50000 Seeds |
| Artificial Feeding , Palleted Feed 2000 kg |
| Vitamins, minerals & medicines |
| Expenditure on marketing, harvesting and watch & wild |
| | |
| |
| Expenditure on Capital Investment @16% |
| Deprecation on Capital Investment @10% |
| Recurring Expenditure |
| | |
| |
| Sale of 1000 kg Prawn @ Rs.250/- per kg |
| | |
Net Income ( Income - Total Expenditure)
| |
Note:- Theabpve economics may change as per productivity of pond and market prices of the PRAWN
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