How to Make #200,000 in Nigeria with Fingerlings Fish Production


Being a fish farmer growing fish and fingerlings for sales for the last 9years.
I have know many problem facing a lot of people in the production of fingerlings.
Fish farming in Nigeria has become a lucrative business for the unemployed and willing entrepreneurs.

Nigerians are large consumers of fish,it remain product consumed in terms of animal has shown that only around 50% demand for fish is currently being met by local supply.
The fishery sector is estimated to contribute 3.5% of Nigeria gross domestic product(GDP) and provide direct and indirect employment to over 6million people.
Despite the popularity of farming in Nigeria,the fish farming industry can best be describe as being at the infant stage when compare to the large market potentials for it production and marketing.
This is mainly due to the unavailability of fingerlings owing to lack of adequate infrastructure for hatcheries for fingerlings production.
In this ebook are the step by step procedure you would follow for the successful production of catfish fingerlings.
You are particularly lucky to have this type of information at  hand because nowadays some of our youth are not willing to practice Agriculture hence it affects the production of, through out the world Nigeria is among the country where fish production are not produce in large quantities,not even enough for teamly population that are living in the country talkless of exporting it to other counties of the world.
From the above analysis,you will see that if u can struggle to produce about 30 000 fingerlings a month,you can even generate more than 200 000# by selling each fingerling @10#.
You could make more profit if you follow the procedures explained in the ebook you are about having access to.
It is very easy,simple and lucrative business that will change your entire life for ever and ever.
I know that you will worry about who to sell your fingerlings..the good news is if you are able to produce 10000-20000 fingerlings/juvenile..we will link you to perspective buyers within your location..GOOD LUCK
NOW be quick and order for this package for toking price of 2500# @UBA BANK Nationwide
Account name;Samotu Kazeem Adewale
Account number;2059314910.
After payment text SMS your deposit name,teller number,date and email address to this number;07060887106....08159608568
After confirm your payment,INFO PACKAGE will be sent to your Email inbox within 24hours.
NOW be quick and take concrete action.
This info package will be sold @#2500 within two weeks of publication,be quick before the price goes up to #5000

If you have any further question, you can drop them below and i will provide the neccesary answers.

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