Facts About Kidney beans

Kidney beans resemble the shape of a kidney. 
They are available around the world, and you can purchase them from any grocery shop throughout the year. 
They can be used to make soup, rice dishes, salads, curries, etc.
They are available in the colors like red, dark red and white. However, the kidney shape remains the same irrespective of color and size. 
They are usually sold in the dry variety. 
They are available in different verities such as, Montcalm, Wells Red, Geneva, and New York.
They have a smoother taste and shiny texture. 
They contain excellent source of the fiber, protein, mineral, and molybdenum. It prevents rapid blood sugar rising after the meal. 
They prove very helpful diet for people having diabetes. 
These beans contain cholesterol- lowering fiber.
They are the source of nutrition, potassium and calcium. 
They contain iron and a moderate amount of the carbohydrates, as well.
New verities of kidney beans are frequently announced.
 Farmers around the globe produce kidney beans for commercial purpose. 
However, US, China, Brazil, Kenya and India are some of the largest producers.
Kidney beans are widely used to prepare the chili. 
They add rich texture, taste and color in the dish. Kidney beans are useful to make the side dish, as well. 
You can serve kidney beans hot or cold and can be use them in stews, soups, curries, salads, etc.
There are different methods available to cook the kidney beans. 
However, soaking is essential in every method. Kidney beans are hard to cook. 
So, in order to save time, they must be soaked in water for at least 8 to 10 hours.
If they are cooked extensively, they become mushy and their nutritional value may also decline. 
So, moderate cooking is required for getting the exact blend of soft and firm kidney beans.
 They absorb the taste of other ingredients and have a mild flavor if cooked independently.
Older kidney beans take longer time to cook. 
Unfortunately, there is no any method to judge the age of kidney beans kept on the shelf in the supermarket.
 However, you must choose the same sized, colored, and non broken kidney beans to have a great taste, aroma and color. Make sure that beans do not have holes in it.
Kidney beans are toxic when they are raw. 
So, it is extremely essential to be sure about the beans are completely cooked. 
If they are half cooked, they might make your stomach upset. 
A cup of dried kidney beans yields three cups of the cooked beans.
 They are inexpensive not only because they are cheap, but they yield a large quantity when cooked, as well.
Remove the odd articles and foreign materials like small stones from the kidney beans. Avoid using holed and broken beans. Wash them thoroughly with water.
 It is very essential to soak the beans because they have a firm texture. Put these beans in the large pot and add surplus water in it. 
Let them soak overnight. 
Red beans literally drink water. So, keep a check on water level and increase it whenever needed. 
 Next day discard the water and rinse the kidney beans. Now you can use them for cooking.
Cooker cooking:
Using a pressure cooker is a wiser choice to cook the kidney beans. 
Take two cups of the kidney beans and put it in the cooker. 
Add 2 cups of water for each cup of the bean. Cook for about 15 to 20 minutes. 
You can check the texture and continue cooking, if required.
Add onion, garlic cloves, and oil. 
You can add other spices as per your choice. Coriander leaves and a pinch of salt will make your dish ready to eat. Let this mixture cook until it gives you desired results.

Water cooking:

Take two cups of the kidney beans in the pot. Keep adding water in pot until it covers the beans and makes a layer of 3 inches on it. Let the kidney beans boil vigorously for at least 10 minutes. 
This way it will discard the toxins. Remove the water once the desired results are achieved.

Take two tablespoons of oil in a large pan. Put it on the medium heat. Add chopped onion, garlic cloves, tomato and cook until the onion is translucent. Add cooked kidney beans in it. You can add your other favorite spices. Adding a pinch of salt and pepper will make your dish ready.


You can store dry kidney beans under the air tight container and have to keep them in a dry and cool place. This way you can store them up to one year. 
Cooked beans have to be consumed within 2 days from cooking.
 They need to be refrigerated for those two days. Cover them up in order to maintain its nutritional value.

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