Learn How to Farm at Songhai Center Port Novo

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month  minimum period intensive program for aspiring farmers and practising Farmers  that provides a hands-on, skill-based education in sustainable agriculture.
time training program offers participants the unique opportunity to manage their own growing site,
take classes from expert farmers, and rotate as workers and learners on the farm . 

This program will provide an intense, supportive experience where participants  leave with a Certificate in Sustainable Farming, a deeper understanding of agricultural management and small-scale farming, and the entrepreneurial skills to start their own operation.
The program is designed for aspiring farmers and those interested in sustainable, local food systems. Strong applicants:
•Are looking for a career in sustainable farming and food systems
•Want to play an active role in the sustainable food movement
•Value a comprehensive education in all aspects of the business of farming, including marketing and distribution
•Want a hands-on farm education
•Want to learn from Songhai’s Integrated farming community
the program will include an opportunity to meet staff, see the entire Farm  system and work alongside current farmer training students
Available Areas for training are as follows: Bio gas, Animal husbandry, Crop and Food processing, Piggery, Poultry, Fisheries, Green house farming, Mush room, Agro forestry, Market Gardening, Mammals, Solar panels,& handicraft.
Testimonial :
Dear madam,
I write to express my profound appreciation to you and Hadur travels  for facilitating my trip to Songhai farm.
Of all the short courses/training I’ve had in life , I make bold to say that my October 2013 training on poultry in Songhai  has been  the most rewarding The training which was over 90% practical was not only precise, but also was  enough to prepare me  to run my own poultry farm .I can testify that I now run  a medium -size  poultry farm  independently, a farm which I started just two weeks after I came back from the Songhai training. No doubt Songhai is a big blessing to Africa.
Thank you Hadur for creating the awareness-  Chuks
It is an opportunity you will not want to miss.
Need short term trainings request for our Agro study tour package
Ignorance Is Not Bliss learn How to Garner Authoritative Agricultural Knowledge in 2014:  Registration has commenced for next training & study packages .
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