How You Can Be Successful in Livestock Farming

Livestock Farming is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria, Africa and the world at large; as this is the only channel whereby we are able to supply and replenish animal protein into the food system for nations.

It deals with rearing and production of livestock animals, solely edible and of consumption purpose.

In Nigeria, the most common type of livestock farming business are. Poultry farming, pig farming, fish farming, snail and grasscutter and lot more others.

 Many people are now interested in agriculture because of livestock farming that as grown over time in Nigeria, but as lucrative as this venture is, it cannot be rushed into because of its profit as I do tell people; agriculture is never a get rich quick scheme, it takes time to build the business up but when it as been appropriately built it can land you on prosperity and posterity.

Iff you are interested in starting a livestock production business in Nigeria or any pat of the world then continue reading as this article will help you get it right from the beginning.

Get Success in Livestock Farming Business;

                                Image result for livestock
  1. Get Trained : It will be a waste and a deadly mistake for you to start any form of livestock faming without acquiring the necessary knowledge in this field, it can be very disastrous; and no matter the level of experts you employ or workforce, it can lead to futility, you really need to be equipped with the know-how so that you won’t be cheated and also so that you will be able to grow your farm venture in the nearest future and as you journey through your farming career. Learning most of this things are very easy nowadays as we now have many farms around where you can go and get yourself trained and learn in practical terms.
  2. Carry Out Feasibility Studies : This is very essential, you really need to know what you are going into especially the market strength and weaknesses, the income and profit margin compare to the cost and expenditure, agric can be capital intensive based on whatever kind of farming you are dealing with but it will do you a lot of good if you diligently  carry out a feasibility studies before you start your livestock farming activity so that you can determine the market strength in time.
  3. Count your Cost : This is another essential factor you musn’t overlook, for any reason. Counting your cost before you venture into your farming fully will help you greatly so that in the cause of production you don’t run out of finance probably money for buying feeds and stuffs like that, take care of all cost before you start so that your farm will not slow down.
  4. Start Small : This is always a helpful step for beginners, if you are just starting up in a particular livestock farming business let say for example “pig farming” and you have o experience before it is always good to start with 5 or 4 piglets and breed them than starting with 20, by the time you gain a personal experience with the supervision of your farm manager or someone with more experience in the business, you can now extend your investment and get more pigs to maximize products and profits.
I hope you find this tips helpful.


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