20 Powerful Health Benefits of Moringa Seeds

Moringa seeds have numerous health benefits. In this post, I am going to list a few that I consider most important. Some of these are reports we got from users. 

Here we go…Below are the top health benefits of Moringa seeds:

Moringa seeds aid in weight loss as explained in this post. But is obesity a disease? 
Ask the nutritionists!

Moringa seeds help with asthma. Observational Research study has it that in persons with bronchial asthma (not specifically allergic asthma), a pilot study using Moringa oleifera seeds at 3g (twice daily) for three weeks was associated with significant reductions in the symptoms of dyspnoea(shortness of breath), wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness to less than half of baseline. Compare http://examine.com/supplements/Moringa+oleifera/#summary3-4.
Moringa seeds are useful for aches such as head aches, stomach aches, tooth aches, etc.
It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties because it contains benzylisothiocyanate
Moringa seeds detoxify the body of accumulated toxins. Moringa seeds after ingestion circulate in the blood, removing acidic toxins from the blood, cleansing the blood. This in turn lowers bad cholesterol and improves cholesterol metabolism. Good bargain isn’t it?
It helps with hair loss… It means if you have a bald head and want your hair back, moringa seeds are the secret! But in Nigeria and maybe elsewhere, people with bald heads are almost always wealthy… Lol! See Emily’s testimonial of someone who gained back lost hair after consuming moringa at  http://www.moringamatters.com/moringaraves.html
Moringa seed improve eye sight. There are countless testimonials to that effect. I no longer experience pains in my eyes even though I spend a lot of time behind the laptop courtesy moringa seeds! 
Moringa seeds alleviate arthritic pains. If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or just any type of arthritis, you know it can be very painful. But moringa seeds help due to the high amount of anti-inflamatories it’s got. 
Moringa seeds  aid in insomnia(If you don’t sleep at all, try moringa seeds… you will soon start sleeping like a baby. After all you are meant to be sleeping at night. The book says he giveth his beloveth sleep. But if for any reason the Devil wants you to stay awake, start taking moringa seeds today and change that situation… that Devil is a liar! can I here you say Amen!

Moringa seeds are good for constipation. Constipation could lead to piles if not handled. Thank God with moringa seeds, you will get rid of that stubborn constipation easily.

Moringa seeds improve CD4 count and reduce viral load among HIV/AIDS patients… I found this amazing testimonial… “About the lady who have AIDS. When she came to see Dr Piem Choke Chalidapongse of Ramathibody Hospital, it’s already beyond hope. Doctor already denied treatment because her viral are extremely high and her CD4 are extremely low to the dangerous point. Doctor told her he have no way of helping her, in the meantime, she learn from her friend that by consuming 12 seeds of Moringa daily will helps her gain immune system back…After 3 months her Viral are below 50 and her CD4 increase to 500 which mean she cure from AIDS…” Read the full story at http://moringafarms.com/testimonials/

Moringa seeds help with menstrual cramps. But it has been reported that Moringa seeds when ingested during menstruation could give rise to heavy menstrual flow.
My advice: If you do not have menstrual cramps, don’t take Moringa seeds while menstruating!

Moringa seeds act as laxative. So the next time you are overfed, you know what to do right? Please handle with care o! I have warned you. Don’t take more than necessary. In case you have not read my article on how to take Moringa seeds the right way, go here.

Moringa seeds are useful in delaying aging due to its anti-aging powers. So you women who want to look younger and beautiful, now you know. But the best way to apply this benefit is from the moringa oil, extracted from the seeds. So get the moringa seeds oil to use for beauty and anti-aging purposes.

Moringa seeds are useful for libido enhancement. Men will tell you better! That was how my cousin who visited us took Moringa seeds and at night suddenly observed something happening: his manhood woke him up! Following day, while discussing, he started laughing when I mentioned that  
Moringa seeds improve fluid volume in men. So Moringa seeds will improve your sperm count, o man! And you know that the more volume of good fluid, the easier it is to shoot at target…lol! So stop complaining and apply the solution.

Moringa seeds improve diabetes type II. I didn’t mention diabetes type I, so don’t ask me about it with respect to moringa seeds.

Moringa seeds have shown anti-fungal ability and effectiveness against athlete’s foot.
Moringa seeds give energy that lasts longer more than that  from sugar. You can imagine going all day without feeling fatigued.

Moringa seeds are full of antioxidants and help with stress management. Remember stress is a killer! But the solution is here now.
Moringa seeds attack liver fibrosis. Research has found out that Oral administration of Moringa seed extract in rats reduced liver damage as well as symptoms of liver fibrosis. Moringa seed extract can act against CCl(4)-induced liver injury and fibrosis in rats by a mechanism related to its antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory effect and its ability to attenuate the hepatic stellate cells activation. That sounds like jargon right? Simply put Moringa seeds and moringa seed oil could help with hepatitis, a liver disease. If you are a Scientist, check out www.pubmed.com for more moringa research articles.

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- See more at: http://www.moringawealthandhealth.com/2014/06/top-20-health-benefits-of-moringa-seeds.html#sthash.dAv0Rdua.dpuf

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