Adverse Effect of Deforestation on Enviroment


Deforestation is the removal of stand of trees from the land, which would later be converted to a non-forest use (i.e, cutting down of trees without planting others to replace them). Deforestation could lead to:
  • Environmental degradation, which is the deterioration of the environment via exhaustion of natural resources (air, water and soil). It is a major threat on the environment, because it could reduce the capacity of the environment to meet social and ecological needs.
  • Deforestation is a major cause of global warming and loss of biodiversity.
  • Loss of ecological services provided by tropical rainforests and related ecosystems.
  • Forest loss decreases the availability of renewable resources such timber, medicinal plants, nuts and fruits.
  • It also leads to soil erosion.
  • Water cycle is also affected by deforestation.
  • Climate change.
  • Tropical deforestation is responsible for about 20 – 25 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Destruction of animal habitats.
  • Destroying trees that serve as windbreakers.
  • Undisturbed forests usually have very low rate of soil loss
  • Pollution (air, water and soil pollution).
  • Overpopulation leads to  degradation of our environment.
  • Ozone layer depletion.
  • Loss of cropland area for farming.
Prevention of Deforestation
  • Awareness campaign on the importance of reforestation and the hazard deforestation imposes on our environment should be carried out.
  • For each tree that is cut, three to four trees should be planted to replace it.
  • Water catchment areas should be left alone, to avoid flood.
  • Reducing emissions.
  • Farming will reduce the effect of deforestation.
  • Managing of forest resource.
  • Planting of trees such as timbers etc.
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