Factors Influencing Machanized Farming and Farm Land Ownership in Nigeria



Agricultural Extension services in Nigeria had been making concerted efforts to make farmers adopt improved technology in their farm operations.

 If the country is to achieve increased food production for her teeming population, adoption of improved technology and increased farm size is inevitable. 

According to Amao et al, (2003) rural farmers cultivating an average of one hectare each still characterize the Nigerian agricultural sector.

 This paper examined the factors that influence the adoption of mechanized farm technology and farm size increase among rural farmers in Nigeria.

 Data on methods of farm land preparation, farm size and Agricultural Development Program (ADP) inputs to rural farmers were randomly collected from 435 rural farmers between 2006 and 2009. 

The instrument for data collection was a set of structured questionnaire cum oral discussion.

 The oral discussion focused on methods of farmland preparation, need for increased farm size as a means of improving farm output and sustainability. 

The data generated were subjected to t-test and regression analysis. 

Result show that farm size increased as irrigational facilities and loan to farmers were increased while farm technology is positively influenced by irrigation facilities, loan and presence of extension agents.

 The implication is that increased food production will be achieved if farmers are provided irrigation facilities and loans as these motivates the adoption of mechanized farm technology.

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