How Moringa, Maca and Quail Egg Can Boost Your Libido Naturally

Let me start by asking you these questions: What is moringa? 

or Have you ever heard about moringa oleifera before? It is a miracle tree, some still call it the tree of life, others mothers' best friend, the never die tree, etc. 
These names describe the plant in some ways... Check out other articles on the blog for more about moringaYou can also read up more on moringa at wikipedia.

For now, let us learn about the sex enhancing uses of moringa. Moringa oleifera, especially the moringa seed is an aphrodisiac. Now does it mean moringa is a sexual plant? Absolutely Yes

An aphrodisiac is A food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire. If you are married, you will discover that moringa is an aphrodisiac when you try it out with your spouse! That was just to get you laughing, but is the truth all the same... Well, moringa ehances libido. And what is libido? You asked. 

Libido simply means sexual desire... FULL STOP! Now when you say someone has low/high libido, you are simply saying the fellow has low/high sexual desire. 

The need to write this post arose because I wanted to help married men and women enjoy intimacy with their spouses. One of the reasons marriages fail nowadays is lack of satisfaction by any of the spouses in bed.

Generally, one of the factors involved in a romantic relationship is good sex!

Experts say sex is very key in maintaining successful marital relationships. There are so many benefits to being intimate in your marital relationship.  Interestingly, there are health and emotional benefits attached to sex. With these in mind, being intimate with your spouse should not just be for the sake of sex but should be because of the health and emotional benefits as well as the intimacy it brings into your relationship.

Below are highlighted some of the importance of sex in your marital relationship. This is not an exhaustive list; therefore please add those missing here in the comments section below. Let us start with the emotional benefits of sex. Please bear in mind that only those who are LEGALLY MARRIED are allowed to be involved in sex. 

1. It creates intimacy in a relationship
2. Gets partners emotionally closer, making them to share freely with each other.
3. Deepens connection between partners
4. Used to make up after a fight
5. For gratification
6. assures partners that they want and need each other

like I earlier said, you may have other emotional  benefits accrued to sex that are not included in the list above. Please kindly add them as comments below.

Not only does sex have emotional benefits, it has other benefits as well. I found out on WebMD  10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex Now let us look at the health benefits of sex in marriage.

 Did you know you could make millions of money from moringa business? To know more,  click here

2. It boosts the immune system
3. It helps burn calories (one of the best ways to watch your weight!)
4. Having regular sex helps in stress relief
5. It reduces blood pressure
6. For stronger pelvic floor muscles
7. For better sleep
8. Improves heart health
9. It helps with pains
10. More Ejaculations May Make Prostate Cancer Less Likely

For you to have a healthy relationship, sex must be a part of that relationship. Sex can help a relationship get better. According to experts, Once sex is taken out of a relationship, many relationship issues like poor communication, the most dangerous problem couples with poor sex life encounter, lack of trust, betrayals, infidelity, poor libido and many more set in.

Endeavor to spice up your relationship with quality sex to live healthy emotionally and physically. If you did not know, moringa helps with your healthy sex life. How does it do it?  I will explain here briefly. Check back for my next article on THE LINK BETWEEN MORINGA AND SEX. Check the testimonials of others who are using moringa products and getting amazing results.

But know that Testosterone is the most important male sexual hormone. In males, it is mainly responsible for the development of the sex organs, the formation and maintenance of the typical male sexual characteristics, sperm production, the controlling of the male desire. Supplying the body with sufficient amount of Vitamin D has positive effects on testosterone levels. Moringa has lots of vitamin D in there for you. I should say it has the highest amount among plants sources

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