Learn How To Make “Ice Cream” From 1 Ingredient At Home

As a nutritionist for children with special needs, one of my job responsibilities is to come up with new food varieties and recipes that will be appealing to our children. Sometimes it can be quite difficult but the nutrition team which I belong to, tries its best. Some times last year we decided to give a new look to the mid-day food of our children at the centre. Then, we decided to make Ice cream.

As at that time we had no Ice cream equipment and other important ingredients necessary for the making of Ice cream. As we pondered, one of us sighted at a food item and he said we could make a healthy nutritious Ice cream from it. If your guess is as good as mine…….then by now you should know the food item – Banana. Yes, you can make Ice cream from start to finish using BANANA only. Although, the procedure is simple and a bit different but the output is as creamy as your ice cream made from milk and other ingredients.

How Is Iced Banana Cream Made? – Ingredients and Method

   Ingredients needed and methods for making it

Ingredients, Equipments and Method of Preparation!

Medium sized ripe banana (Two fingers)
A powerful blender or a food processor. I usually use Kenwood Food processor.
Wash your hand clean and keep them dry before handling the food item to avoid contamination.
  • Ensure that the blender or food processor is clean.
  • Peel the 2 banana fingers and slice each to six or seven pieces. A straight horizontal cutting will do.
  • Pour the sliced banana into a small glass container that has a lid. Cover it up.
  • Place in a freezer for about three hours if you are using a blender but over night if using a food processor.
  • When ready collect the already frozen banana and pour inside your food processor.
Turn on at high speed for about 30 seconds. Stop, scrape the banana to fall into place and start the engine again. Do this continuously until the banana turns completely creamy just like your ice cream. This process could take up to five minutes, less or more depending on your processing device. The colour of the cream may appear brownish depending on you banana.
Your Banana Ice Cream or better still, Iced Banana Cream is Ready.
Health Benefits and How To Make It More Healthy…
One good and healthy thing about this recipe is that banana contains most of the other ingredients that regular ice cream contains. Banana contains sugar and pectin thatkeep it creamy and fibre to aid in proper digestion. You can also decide to add other ingredients to it if you so wish.
Milk, Peanut butter or Nutella chocolates will not be bad. Just add at moderate quantity. I do not advise adding sugar because Banana is already high  in sugar.
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