National Agricultural Seeds Council Raids Ibadan Outlets for Fake Seed Sellers


The National Agricultural Seeds Council (NASC) on Monday in Ibadan, urged seed traders to buy grains from reputable and licensed outlets to ensure that farmer plant high quality seeds.
Mr Adebayo Agboola, the Deputy Director, Quality Control, NASC in Abuja, gave the advise during the deliberate supervision exercise to free markets in Ibadan of fake seeds.
The council, which visited some major markets such as, Agbeni, Ogunpa and Moor Plantation, seized various types of polluted seeds.
Mr Adebayo urged traders to always look out for company’s label certification and that the packaged materials should also contain the name and address of the seed company.
He noted that, the level of compliance in Ibadan metropolis was better when compared to what had been witnessed in the past.
Adebayo also stressed that, NASC is serious about enforcing the laws and getting rid of all fake seeds.
We start from the foundation, the chemicals, labour to the laboratories, he added.
“Our laws are massive but enforcement is difficult and this is one of the things contributing to the low productivity in Nigeria and Africa in general, he said.
“That is why NASC is out to enforce by actually curbing the activities of people perpetuating fraud in the seed business.
“We are ensuring that we have genuine and quality seeds for Nigerian farmers to give good harvest and returns for a better standard of living,” he said.
Adebayo advised traders who deal in seeds to stop buying bad seeds, because NASC will not tolerate anyone selling bad and adulterated seeds. In fact, we have zero tolerance for bad seeds and if you are caught, your seeds will be seized and if offenders resist, we may charge them to court.
Mr Akinsowo Omosuyi, one of the offenders said, he did not know he was to register with the council and that was the reason he did not registered with NASC.
He also said, he had not heard it before that they were supposed to register with NASC and I had been in this business for 15 years.
He however, appeal to them to tamper justice with mercy. That he will make sure he registers with them,” he said.
However, if you are a seed seller, please try and register with NASC.

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