NGOs Distributes Improved Rice Seeds to 500 Farmers in Zaria

National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS), on Monday distributed 44 improved rice seeds to 500 registered rice farmers in Zaria Local Government Area of Kaduna State.
Mr Ken Ukoha, the National President of NANTS, while presenting the improved rice seed to farmers in Zaria, said, with regret that rice farmers were not enjoying the necessary support to boost rice production in the state.
The essence of the gesture was to boost the production of the commodity in the state.
Ukoha noted that, the beneficiaries were drawn from Zaria and Kubau local government areas and said that they would undergo training on the new technology necessary to enhance rice production.
He also said that, the beneficiaries would also receive fertilizers and micro credit facilities expected to boost rice production.
“The association will also create a market after harvesting because rice farmers in the country are usually challenged in selling their produce.
He encourage them to make careful use of the facility to enhance food security in the country.
One of the beneficiaries, Malam Maharazu Balarabe, commended the NGO for the impressive support that would ensure profuse harvests.
He stressed that, rice farmers in the areas were lagging behind due to financial constraint and insufficient support that would make way for greater productivity.
With the support they get from NANTS and what the Kaduna government is doing to enhance productivity, they are moving toward food security in the country,” he added.

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