Top 5 Fruits For Your Fibre, Vitamins & Antioxidant Needs


It is no longer news that fibre is needed by everyone. In nutrition science, there had always been controversies in other areas such as “what quantity of other nutrients to consume” but with Fibre, all nutrition experts seem to agree on the same claim.
Fibres are only found in plant sources and one advantage this presents is that the food sources are also loaded with vitamins and minerals which directly helps our immune system. In this short article, I will be sharing with you top five fruit fibre sources that can help your poor digestion and eliminate constipation from your body’s dictionary.
Avocado has been usually regarded as a fruit with the most fibre. You can get up to 7g of fibre in a 100 gram serving of Avocado. This amount of fibre is about one third of your daily requirement. This is a substantial amount. If truly you are hoping to help your state of healthy via fibre consumption then a regular serving of avocado will be helpful.
This is quite uncommon in Nigeria but Prunes have long been associated with improved digestion and no wonder it is ranked highly on this list alongside Avocado. In fact, prunes also supplies 7g of fibre in a 100g serving as equal as Avocado but due to its scarcity, Avocado has edged it out as a fruit with higher fibre content since it is more readily available.
Are you looking for a fruit that is loaded with plenty of antioxidants for an improve immune system the raspberry will surely do justice for you. When it comes to fibre, it is also top on the list providing nearly a quarter of the recommended daily in a 100 gram serving. It is a double bumper package; High in fibre and antioxidants.
Scared of consuming guava? You better give it another thought. With guava providing 5g of fibre in a 100gram serving, the fruit could be a solution to your constipation problems. Once you can properly grind the seeds with your teeth then you should have no problem. Although not readily available but you could look out for it when it is in season.
Asides from providing about 4gram of fibre in a 100gram serving, a cup of blueberries can deliver a sizeable amount of your daily need for vitamins C, K and manganese. Blueberries are also have anti-inflammatory and anti- cancerous properties. Their high content of flavonols, tannins and other phyto-antioxidants gives these berries the natural ability to fight infectious diseases and lower cholesterol levels.

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