Agriculture, Forestry Farming Jobs and Careers - Industrial Resources


Job and Industry Resources for
Agriculture, Forestry, & Farming Careers

Agriculture, Forestry, and Farming Job Resources
Some people get into agriculture because they�have always had a green thumb - while others fall into the industry because of their talents in site management, soil science or even bookkeeping.
 But whether you raise cattle, farm cotton, cultivate grapes, landscape backyards, care for trees or develop seeds, the resources you need to improve your agricultural career outlook are right at your fingertips. Here, we�ll show you how to track down the news, education and networking opportunities you�re looking for - and how to maximize the yield of each one you find.

Run some savvy searches

It�s easier than you might think to dig up new websites 
that provide up-to-date news, educational resources and other handy tools for planting the seeds of a better agricultural career. Try Googling terms like (for example) "horticultural education," "forestry management classes" or "agronomy news" to find out what�s happening in your area of agriculture - and to learn how others are staying abreast of the latest developments.
Sorting useful search results from fishy ones doesn�t take much technical savvy - all it takes is some common sense and a short checklist of "dealbreakers." One thing you�ll definitely want to avoid is any site without a clear privacy policy - typically linked at the very bottom of the homepage - or a site that demands your email address or other personal information in exchange for basic access. If you run across sites like these, close that tab and move on - the same information is likely available for free elsewhere on the web.
Sorting useful search results from fishy ones just takes some common sense...

Get organized

As wonderful as it is to enjoy the freedom and wide-open spaces of agricultural acreage, joining with others in your field of agriculture (no pun intended) can bring its own kinds of benefits. A wide range of professional associations and nonprofit organizations exist to serve agricultural workers, farm and vineyard owners, and even the practitioners of particular agricultural trades.
Joining with others in your field of agriculture can bring unique benefits...
For example, the American Agricultural Economic Association (AAEA) provides benefits and career resources for those working in agricultural and related fields, as well as an active database of employment and internship opportunities. The Tree Care Industry Association, meanwhile, develops standards and education programs specifically for arboriculture firms - and the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) offers continuing education and certification for lawn care professionals and landscapers.
The upsides of membership in an association or organization don�t stop with education, though. Although you�ll probably be expected to shell out regular dues if you want to join a trade group, you�ll likely gain access to a network of experts in your field, tradeshows and other events showcasing the latest useful inventions and procedures, and - depending on the organization - perhaps even legal advocacy and more-affordable insurance.
As you browse through the agricultural associations and other organizations in your search results, take note of those whose membership dues seem reasonable in exchange for the benefits they can offer you. Even if you don�t choose to join one right now - and in fact, taking some time to compare your options is probably a wise idea - you�ll save yourself time and energy in the long run by bookmarking the websites of organizations that most appeal to you.

Make some new friends

If you�re more in the mood for an informal online social gathering, try running some searches on your favorite social networking sites - like Facebook and LinkedIn - with specialized terms like (just for example) "tree care," "softscaping" or "viticulture." Even if you don�t turn up any groups that focus solely on your own form of agriculture, Facebook groups like "Organic Gardening," and LinkedIn groups like "Agriculture" and "Agri Jobs," share information and host discussions on broader agricultural topics.
Don�t forget to take advantage of the advanced search features on social networking sites.
Don�t forget to take advantage of the advanced search features on social networking sites - these little drop-down menus can help you target group pages as opposed to personal ones, to find pages whose users share your particular corner of the agricultural industry, or to keep your search focused on your own part of the world. And if a group is members-only, don�t let that stop you from clicking the "request to join" button - plenty of groups that aren�t open to public view are still eager to gather new members.
As long as a group is filled with members, active comment threads and regularly updated news feeds, there�s no harm in subscribing or joining - at least for a while - and seeing if the posts and discussions turn out to be helpful to you. And if they aren�t, you can always leave the group and move on to new digital turf.

Explore jobs - or find workers

Whether you�re a backhoe operator, a cattle breeder or the owner of a property or company that�s in the market for new talent, job boards that cater to the agricultural industry can be great places to connect with people who�ll meet your career needs. Many job boards will also allow you to post your own job openings, too - which means they can help you connect with skilled employees at all levels of agricultural work.
Job boards can help you connect with employers and employees at all levels or agricultural work., for example, lists jobs for those working in all areas of agriculture, including management and administration. Other job boards, meanwhile, are more niche. focuses on landscaping and nursery work - while ForFarmers Jobs specializes in the dairy, livestock and ranching industries. Sites like these are usually free to browse, so you�ve got nothing to lose by just taking a peek through their listings.
As you can see, the online resources that�ll be most helpful for your career depend on where you fit into the agricultural world, both in terms of niche and of trade. Like everything that grows over time, a solid agricultural career takes care and cultivation in order to yield a good return - but with the help of experts in your field, peers who share your passion, and online tools like these, you�ll find that your options soon start to branch out on their own.

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