How to Make Money Packaging and Processing Moringa in Nigeria


Have you heard of MORINGA before now? 
if yes Do you know you could make hundreds of thousands of Naira from Moringa?
 Have you ever thought of going into this physical business of  Moringa?
 if not you have been ignoring an excessive profiting business.

Moringa business is now a means of generating agricultural income, developing the food processing industry and founding new businesses.

 These moringa plant are rich in vitamins and minerals and are used in fighting  many (if not all) health problems and against malnutrition.
      Moringa plant (Moringa oleifera) is known worldwide as The miraculous/wonder tree due to its nutritional and medicinal benefits and industrial uses. And almost every part of moringa plant has it own nutritional values.

Below is a detailed nutrient of a typical moringa plant:

 Some useful ingredients in parts of the moringa.
 Tree Part
Linolenic acid
 Oleic acid
 Seed and leaves
 Leaves, flowers and stems
 Linoleic acid
 Seed and leaves
 Linolenic acid
 Arachidic acid
 Seed and leaves


Plant parts and their benefits.
Tree  Part
Use or Benefits
 Nutritional, forage, biomass,
plant growth hormone, medicinal
 Rope making, gum for tanning hides, medicinal
 Nutritional, medicinal, honey
 Cosmetics, food, water treatment, medicinal
 Nutritional, medicinal
 Paper, alcohol production, animal feed, medicinal

"The moringa plant (Moringa oleifera) is known worldwide for its nutritional and medicinal
benefits and industrial uses (Tables 1&2). Almost every part of the moringa plant
has nutritional value. The pod is cooked as a vegetable and exported to many
countries for  expatriates, fresh or canned. The root can be used as substitute for
horseradish. Foliage is eaten as greens, boiled, fried, in soups or for seasoning. Dried
leaf powder can be added to any kind of meal as a nutritional supplement. The seed
can be roasted and eaten like a peanut.

The seeds can be used as a flocculent to clarify water and as a source of a non-drying
and very stable oil, known as Ben oil. This oil, which was once used for lubricating
watches and other delicate machinery, is clear, sweet and odourless, almost never
going rancid. It is edible and it is becoming increasingly popular in the cosmetics
industry. Leaves and young branches are used as fodder. Moringa may also be used
in fish and poultry feeds. The bark yields a blue dye and can also be used in tanning.
The wood can produce paper. A plant growth hormone can be extracted from young
shoots, which when applied as a foliar spray, increases yields dramatically in almost
any plant. Last but not least, almost every part of the plant has pharmacological properties."

Over the years moringa plant farming has continued to flourish, as many farmers seize opportunities it offers for them to earn a living.
In up to date instances there’s been a worldwide crusade for a inexperienced revolution and agricultural sustainability thereby opening the transformation agenda, accordingly enabling individual and corporate institution key into the business.
Moringa pods can be cooked as vegetables and also can be exported to many country of your choice. these moringa plants can be used to cure many kinds of diseases like; diabetes,hypertensionchronic Fatigue Syndrome, Osteoporosis etc. i will tell you this moringa tree is such a miracle tree. No wonder they called it the tree of life.

    Now enough already, you might be wondering how you can make a figures of money out of these Miracle tree, its very simple. The best way of making money  through these tree is through one of these process
  • Through Moringa farming
    Processing and packaging of seeds
    Through leave processing and packaging
    Through moringa oil extraction

 No part of moringa plant is a waste as they are all very useful . which ever aspect of it you want to go into be guaranteed of huge profit. eg, say you start moringa seed oil extraction and you Produce  at least 10 liter of moringa per day believe me, you will be making a hell of money.
To get you started we have packaged all the information you need to start up theis business either as a moringa farmer, processing and packaging of leaves or seeds, or oil extraction. this information is packaged in an ebook format and can be sent to your email. 
what you will get in the ebook:

1. The moringa plant.........................11
2. The need for a manual...................13
3. The scope of the manual................13
1. Site selection..................................17
2. Soil/land preparation......................18
3. Propagation...................................18
Seed propagation..............................19
Propagation by cuttings.....................20
4. Planting.........................................21
Intensive production..........................21
Semi-intensive production..................21
Seed production................................23
5. Caring for the plant.......................23
Shaping the trees...............................23
6. Pest and disease control.................28
Fungal diseases..................................29
and transportation..................30
1. Harvesting of shoots and leaves.....32
2. Harvesting of seed.........................32
3. Transportation...............................33
processing the leaves...............35
1. Stripping the leaflets......................37
2. Washing........................................37
3. Draining.........................................37
4. Drying............................................39
Room drying......................................39
Solar drying.......................................39
Mechanical drying..............................41
5. Milling...........................................41
6. Sieving...........................................41
7. Drying the leaf powder....................41
packaging and storage...........43
1. Personal hygiene............................44
2. Packaging in bulk...........................44
3. Final packaging..............................45
4. Labelling........................................45
using moringa leaves
for nutrition...............................47
1. Nutritional content of
fresh moringa leaves..........................49
2. Nutritional content of
dry moringa leaf powder....................53
3. Nutritional content of cooked
moringa leaves...................................56
4. Water soluble
and fat soluble vitamins.....................57
With two other ebooks on this business. to get this ebook call now or email
phone: 08180081665, 08168710034

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