OAU Graduate Invents Machine That Removes Birds Feathers In 10 Seconds


A Mechanical Engineering graduate of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Adedoyin Adebodun Adeleke, has fabricated the fastest electrically-operated chicken de-feathering machine as the final year project for his bachelor’s degree.The machine, a joint project with his colleague, Oyenuga Adekitan Abimbola, removes the feathers off chickens in a record 10 seconds.
In Adeleke’s YouTube post about the project, the engineer said they made the machine from “stainless steel, mild steel, elastomer feather pluckers and electric motor as major materials.”
At fist glance, the machine looks like an ordinary drum with some spiky extensions inside, but it is utility machine many cooks will find useful, especially because it is easy to use as the engineers demonstrated.
” The electric motor drives the feather plate (to which the feather pluckers are attached) on which the chicken carcass is placed hence spinning the carcass as it rotates,” Adeleke said.
“The feathers are removed as the carcass spins against the rotating feather pluckers and stationary pluckers on the drum by friction effect of the feathers and pluckers.”
Though similar machines exist, he claims that his is at the moment the fastest.
“Based on our extensive literature review, our design is outstanding as the fastest chicken de-feathering machine of similar specifications takes 20seconds,” he added.
Adeleke however revealed that the chickens to be defeathered must first be scaled as a specific temperature.
“The [machine] removes all the feathers of chicken scalded at temperatures 80 and 90 degrees Celsius in 10seconds and 6seconds respectively without any damage to its skin at both instances.”
Pulse gathered that Adeleke is presently running his Master’s Degree on Energy Studies at the University of Ibadan (UI).

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