Question and Answer Session on for Farmers

Hi farmers, itss been a while i posted here, i have been so busy and its almost time for my exams so i wouldn't be able to updates so much on this Blog like i use to do before, however i am always thinking of you guys and what next to drop for you people, but first and foremost i want to believe your farm business and livestock are Ddoing perfectly well as expected?

Thank God.

So i have been deliberating lately on this issue but thanks be to God eventually i have made up my mind to invent this, and am sure it is going to be of huge benefits to most you guys out there.

A question and answer session for farmers on, most of the farmers that as been following this Blog lately are used to sending me mails and calling me to ask one question or the other and i have come to realize the questions and answer are actually going to be of great benefits to the entire reaers of this Blog, so every friday from henceforth; ther ewill be a question and answer session for farmers and readers of this Blog, it promise to be awesome.

We will denote it with a "Q&A Session" and there you will be able to ask various kind of questions and many farmers apart from myself will be here to provide suitable answers that will meet your needs, another beautiful thing about the session is that i will not be the only farmer handling it, there will be many farmers across the world to share their experience, lately i have been updating some inspirational and motivational stories of successful farmers n business and it as turned out to be good and helpful to many while others consider it a push to take them off their comfort zone.

This question and answer session promise to be much more better than all of that,

Now how do we hold it?

Its very simple, we will go this way, if you have any question, you want us to attend to 1st, send the question via the contact box below the blog before friday and on the otherside, you can also send the questions on the "QandA" Post on friday drop it via the comment box and i will reply or any other farmer will reply via the comment to your question,
To be able to drop a comment, you will need a google account, that means you have to sign up wit and register an account with them and when ever  you want to drop a comment, just sign in then you will be able to  drop the comment with your google account,

I believe its easy? That way?
If you have further question, you can drop them below.

However before we proceed, there is a question for today, i received it on our facebook page, and the farmer is asking - 

   Is it alright to build a Poultry Farm in a Swampy Area?

 MY Answer : It is not good, it might be bad literally but that is not the best place to situate your poultry farm, it is not a fish farm neither is it a fish pond, poultry don't need a swampy area, they are not aquatic, and situating your poultry farm there can affect them badly and also destroy their house with time, so it is better to site it in a dry well drain land and a place that is not noisy, I hope you find this useful?

Drop your comment and let me hear from you.

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