Homeless people and their pets share unbreakable love (PHOTOS)

created on: 2015-12-11
Pets offer a vital relationship to many homeless individuals. They provide unconditional love and friendship to people who face loneliness and alienation in life on the streets. Although homeless pet owners struggle to care for their pets, many choose to put their animal's needs first, choosing to go hungry themselves rather than see their companion go hungry.

There is an increasing recognition of the important role pets play in the lives of the homeless. It's therefore encouraging to see charitable organizations such as Pets of the Homeless that focus on providing food and veterinary care for pets of the homeless. 
These touching photos highlight the powerful bond that exists between homeless people and their pets. It reinforces the message that pets don't care how much money a person has, all they care about is love.

created on: 2015-12-11
created on: 2015-12-11
created on: 2015-12-11
created on: 2015-12-11
created on: 2015-12-11
created on: 2015-12-11
created on: 2015-12-11
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