How Agricultural Industrialization Can Be Nigerian Next 'Crude Oil'

Its time for the FG to take up Agriculture as an important sector to boost the economy in the face of dwindling Oil prices in the world. 
Now Lets look at ways FG can turn Agriculture into the New Crude Oil.


- A State_by_State Cash Crop Large Scale Farming Policy should be carried out and managed by FG..
Let every state give FG atleast 300km2 of fertile Land to Federal Government for Cash Crop Large Farming.
For example. 
All South East States- Palm Oil
All South West States- Cocoa.
All South South States- Fish farming
All North East States- Cotton
All North West States- Sugarcane( for sugar)
All North Central States- Rice.
Now after that, let the FG team up with Private investors to build at least
- 3 Palm Oil refining industries in the S.E
- 3 Cocoa Processing industries in the S.W
- 3 Fish Processing Industries in the S.S
Then in the North.
- 4 Textile Industries should be build in the N.E 
- 4 Sugar Manufacturing Industries in the N.W
- 4 Rice Mill Industries in the N.C
- This policy will attract more investors, create more jobs, boost the economy, Stop the reliance on crude oil and finally you will see that foreign investors will rush in to invest in these Cash crops products.
- AGRO-INDUSTRILIZATION is an important policy that the Government should not ignore.


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  1. This is encouraging, but I strongly believe that it is not the job for the FG alone. FG is trying hard to ensure political, energy/power stability and infrastructural developments. These are to encourage Private Investors to take the bull by the horn... In my submissions, that is the full future of this country.
    Thank you.

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