How To Fry Eggs

Here is how to fry eggs, one of the top breakfast recipes in Nigeria.
 I like this recipe because it serves as an easy to make morning food, takes about 10 minutes to prepare; sounds easy right? 

I made this (the image below) for myself this morning, it was a quick fix.
 I eat this kind of foods when I am in a hurry to meet up with an appointment.

Not so great health-wise though, it sits somewhere at the bottom of my menu. Fried foods are not to be consumed more than thrice in a week by grown ups.
There are hundreds of Nigerian breakfast recipes but here I just want to talk about my breakfast this morning. How I made this delicious looking morning food below.
This is actually my favorite Nigerian cuisine, a perfect meal for the morning.
Basically we don’t just fry eggs and eat in Nigeria; it is either eaten alongside bread and tea or eaten with fried yam.
Eggs are one of the easiest breakfast recipes in Nigeria.
I fry anything between 2 to 3 eggs at the same time depending on the number of interests and size of frying pan.
Ingredients includes (for 2 eggs) could serve about 1 or two persons
2 Fresh eggs
Vegetable/groundnut oil (5cl)
2 to 3 fresh tomatoes (chop)
1 bulb of onions (chop)
Fresh pepper (to taste)
Salt to taste
A pinch of maggi

I like to fry eggs with lots of onions since I learned about the health benefits of onions. It is also good to eat as much vegetables as you can take.
Heat your frying pan for a minute then add about 5cl of oil, allow to heat for 30 seconds before adding the sliced onions, then tomato/pepper as well.
Fry for 5 to 10 minutes before spraying a pinch of salt (to taste), then about a half cube of maggi or knorr (I prefer less)
Stir, and then make sure it is spread evenly on the frying pan and boiling in very little oil. Then pour in the (already broken and mixed eggs) to cover the onions, tomato combination.
Allow to fry for a minute before flipping.

Allow another 1 minutes.
Serve with bread and tea/pap.

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