Read Story of Nigerian Undergraduates Making It Big via Fish Farming

Fish Farming is not just one of the lucrative livestock farming business that is in vogue today, it is also becoming one of the biggest ventures in livestock farming today.

I have written so many stories on Fish Farming Business Here, fortunately more success stories are coming forth; and in the year to come, i have plans to visit more young fish farmers and interview them, on how they started and also i might be organising programs that as to do with how we can extend the horizon of fish farming in Nigeria and africa at large.

Today I bring you the story of some successful undergraduate students who as invested into fish farming and they are still counting their profits.

For the past 6years even right before he got the admission, he as been into fish farming business, at Abuja,  according to him, fish farming needs more ideas and knowledge, and once you have knowledge, you don't have problem, he encourage Nigerian Govt to invest into seminars to help attract the attention of youths and encourage them to invest into fish farming Business, also he talks about govt helping the starters out with some funds to get started and not to be discouraged along the line.

With Over 11 Ponds, 50,000 fishes and 6 workers, and a net profit of about #50 Million Yearly, abdullai says he would gladness turn down any government job.

Watch the video below yourself and see how people are still getting themselves self employed via fish farming and how you can be the next!

Be Motivated!
Be Enlightened!

Download the Video Here

Its never too late you can plan to start your own fish farm by 2016.

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