15 Animal Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Picture credit: Birds of Eden

Did you know that an octopus’ blood is blue in colour? That cows actually have best friends, or that we share 70% of our DNA with slugs?
These are just a few of the many unbelievable animal facts that make you truly appreciate God’s creativity and even sense of humour.

Learn more about the animal kingdom and its members’ weirdness below:
1. A grasshopper can leap 20 times the length of its own body.
Picture credit: Birds of Eden
Picture credit: Birds of Eden

2. An African butterfly has enough poison in its body to kill six cats.
Photo credit: Kidsbutterlfy Org
Photo credit: Kidsbutterfly Org

3. Rats laugh when tickled.

4. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
Photo credit: Pinterest
Photo credit: Pinterest

5. Honeybees can flap their wings 200 times per second. Read more fascinating facts about bees here.
 Photo Credit: YHSBiology
Photo Credit: YHSBiology

6. Turtles can breathe through their butts.
Photo credit: Scientific American blogs
Photo credit: Scientific American blogs

7. A sea lion is the first nonhuman mammal with a proven ability to keep a beat.
Photo credit: Pictures.4ever.eu
Photo credit: Pictures.4ever.eu

8. Female pandas ovulate only once a year. They are fertile only two or three days of the year.

Photo credit: CITS
Photo credit: CITS

9. Studies show that goats have accents.
Photo credit: Pinterest
Photo credit: Pinterest

10.  Alligators can live up to 100 years.
Photo credit: Pinterest
Photo credit: Pinterest

11. Female koalas have two vaginas.
Picture credit: Clip art Panda
Picture credit: Clip art Panda

12. A newborn kangaroo can fit in a teaspoon.
Picture credit: Birds of Eden
Picture credit: Birds of Eden

13. An octopus has three hearts.
Photo credit: Scientific American blogs
Photo credit: Scientific American blogs

14. Dolphins have names for each other.
Photo credit: 2dolphins
Photo credit: 2dolphins

15. Worms communicate by snuggling.
Picture credit: How to draw...
Picture credit: How to draw…

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