How Profitable is The Market For Grasscutter? How Lucrative Is it in Nigeria Market?

What really is a Market?
In this context, a market is a pool of people who are in need of a particular product or service. Since that is the case, that means there is a market for Grasscutters. As long as we still live in this earth plane, we humans will keep on eating. I hope you’ve eaten?
 I just mine some hours ago. There is a market for virtually every food item.

In Nigeria’s Consumption Pattern 2009/10 as published by the National Bureau of Statistics,  it was clearly shown that at the national level, the total expenditure on food and non-food item was N24, 253, 670, 127, 758.80 (Twenty-four trillion, two hundred and fifty-three billion, six hundred and seventy million, one hundred and twenty-seven thousand, seven hundred and fifty-eight Naira, Eighty Kobo). 64.68% of the total household expenditure in 2009/2010 was spent on food, with the balance of about 35.32% spent on non-food items.

This clearly shows you that there is a market for any food item you can produce. But the question now is, what is the quantity you can produce? 

A search on Google’s adword  to find out how many searches were made from Nigeria over the last 12 months about how to start a Grasscutter farm will tell you that if you are still dilly dallyingabout starting your own Portable Grasscutter Farm, you are leaving Money on the table…

Grasscutter demand Graph
Can you imagine that?
Only in the month of November (2015), over 14,000 searches of “How to start a Grasscutter Farm” was recorded. In 2014 when i checked it last, it was over 5,000 Average Monthly searches.
What does this tell you?
It simply means your customers are out there waiting for you to get them their breeding stock. Imagine right now as you are reading this that you had 50 colonies at home, and you sold them at N67,500. What that means is that you have a financial value of 3,375,000, just by raising Grasscutters. Grasscutter Farming is a GOLDMINE.
This 2016, Nigeria’s economic challenges is forcing a lot of People to go into agriculture. Wisdom is knowing the right thing and doing it.And what is that right thing? Start your own Portable Grasscutter Farming Business, and teach this over 14,000 people How to do same.
Let me close this post with this quote from the quintessential Zig Ziglar…
“You can have everything in life you want if you
will just help enough other people get
what they want.”
Think about that.
The majority of your target market is in Lagos.

Adwords Grasscutter graph2
To get started, you can get my Grasscutter farming ebook here.

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