How To Start Your own Grasscutter Farm with Low Capital


I understand that in farming just like other businesses, capital is one of the major challenges that we face; and wisdom demands that you start with the little capital you have, if you wait in agriculture and you decide not to start anything because you don't have it full, you might not start after a longtime, there are many easy to start agricultural farming business and today we shall be considering one of the easiest to run on a low budget, Grasscutter farming' the market potential and business feasibility of grasscutter as proven to us that it is easy to raise them, keep them, grow them and make profits from the venture.

Currently now about 15,000 in Nigeria (largely in Lagos) are looking for grasscutter to buy for breeding, farming and for local consumption and Nigeria as a nation is yet to meet up with this demand because it is increasing daily.

Now let us have the understanding that basically, grasscutter are grown for meat  purpose, that is the primary aim of breeding them and when you sell them off in the market, the buyers are always those restaurant, eateries and so on, those who are buying  in order to kill and cook the meat as a delicacy.

Starting grasscutter farming; there are some quick facts you will need to understand, they are monogastric animals, however they feed more on green grass and vegetables, now feeding them is super cheap, i know some farmers go extra mile to castrate them and feed them with concentrates so that they will grow fast, but its not neccesary, you can feed them with concentrates or mix a feed formular for them to perform well but you will still spend less compare to other livestock.

Some other local feeds you can easily get around for them includes; guinea grass,  elephant grass, pineapple chaff, sugarcane, wheat, maize, cassava, and lots more, most of the kitchen watse are good food stuffs for them also, but they need grass and vegetable always because they must chew because of their teeth (the upper incisor).

You must also realize that they don't live in wooden cages, they are strong animal and can be wild at times, they have this strong teeth system that can eat up and destroy a wooden cage so you must get an iron cage like he one below will be very good for them;


Every part of the cage must be made of iron, that is the only way they can successfully live in the cage, there is a lot for beginners to learn, you can build such cage from the iron workers around for #15,000 or less based on your budget,  The dropping will be on the floor and thereby the cage will be neat enough for the animal to live.

 Grasscutter unlike some other livestock, as no religious barrier, and it is accepted everywhere, you must also recognise the fact that the grascutter is currently an hotcake in Nigeria today and you can make your own profits from it too.

Now talking about the budget, you are starting with a colony, a colony is a number of 1 male, 4 female; some farmers sells a colony for #$45,000 while others sells for #65,000 as situation and circumstances warrants, so with low capital business plan, you can buy 2 colony and start, in few months they will start reproducing and you will earn back your investment in the shortest possible period of time, that is how it works!

There is a lot for you to learn before you start your grasscutter farming business, i have seen people thinking grasscutter is exactly like rabbit and because of their ignorant, they failed in their business, they run at lose because they back the neccesary information, and in view of this; i have written an ebook on grasscutter farming which am sure it is going to be an eye opening to all beginners, click here to read more about the book

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  1. Right now i want to thank you very much for this blog , i have gain a lot of knowledge from reading articles here.


    1. Hello Eddy, am glad you have learn so much from us, that is exactly why we are here, to help orient, educate and inform you about agriculture and farming as a whole, God bless you.

  2. We sell grass cutters for affordable price for those that are willing to start up grass cutter farming we sell in colony and single you can come down to the farm for inspection and we also do nation wide delivery to any location thanks for more info on 09036729050

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