Woman Vomits Cocaine at Abuja Airport

Saidat Bola Hassan, a 48- year-old mother of three was arrested by operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, after she allegedly vomited 15 wraps of white powdery substances that tested positive for cocaine.
According to NDLEA, the incident occurred during screening of passengers on an Egypt Airline flight to Jedda, Saudi Arabia, en-route Cairo.
She was arrested after vomiting and further investigations by NDLEA revealed that she had ingested 80 wraps of cocaine weighing 904 grammes.
“As soon as we discovered that the suspected wraps she vomited tested positive for cocaine, we took measures to ensure her safety by preventing any harm that may result from drug ingestion. While under observation, she excreted 65 similar wraps. In all, she ingested 80 wraps of cocaine weighing 904 grams.  

saidat bola hassan(1)

Her case is under investigation,” Hamisu Lawan, NDLEA Commander at the Airport said.

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