How to Make Profits Farming in Nigeria

Hello my dear farmers, today I want to share you some few but essential tips you will need in the journey of running any kind of farming business in Nigeria, farming is a lucrative business truly in Nigeria, but how many farmers are making the profit they desire from their business?

I will also be listing some very important factors, terms and conditions that you must abide with, so that you will make good return on your investment.

The first thing that anybody going into farming around the world must know very important in order to succeed is “ Knowledge” You must be knowledgeable about what you want to do, this is very important it will save you stress of paying so much for consultancy and the risk that can pop up as a result of ignorant.
So don’t venture into any farming that you are not yet acquainted with, I have heard people say – “ But the only way we can know it well and have experience is by starting it” Yes, this can be true, but that is not the best way, There is nothing stopping you from learning from people who have started, what you are about to start, you can visit one or two farms (I use to do this when I was starting out and till now, there are still many farms I do visit), This is the only way you can use to secure exposure and know more.

Investing into a business, you haven’t learned and know fully, will cost you more and your profits is not guaranteed.

Agriculture is lucrative but you must follow the pattern, the right pathway so that you can have success.

Apart from Knowledge, another very important factor is “Capital” this is very important, some people will get just half of the required Capital and they will start something they call, it is not the best, now I understand that some agro investment can be capital intensive and not affordable by all, however strategically plan yourself; don’t go and start a farm that will cost you more than you  can bear at the moment, it’s like stocking 2000 catfishes, you know the more they grow the more the feed they consume and you don’t have the feeds, you don’t have enough money and you haven’t make provisions on how to sort that before time, how do you want to handle it?

There are times and seasons in livestock business and in animal husbandry there are stages that if you don’t feed them well, after that phase is gone, even if you later feed them they will not yield to the feeding, because their growth season is over.

If you know, you don’t have adequate knowledge on any kind of farming business; make sure you go for consultancy, or better still training, you can reach farmers and make your plan known to them and work with them on their farm while you learn how to run yours.


Plan Your Market Ahead… This is very important, don’t just raise livestocks or even plant crops as if you are going to consume them, find the market, get where they are high in demand and make your business known to them so that they can patronize you.

If your birds will begin to lay next week, you can reach egg buyers this week, if you are selling your catfish in the 7th month of breeding them, you can begin to call your buyers by the 6th month, this will help you to channel the right kind of sales and customers into what you are doing; thereby helping you make good profits.

Most farmers are always in this situation of taking their market season with levity and it is not good, because things are not constant in market, price and demands are always changing, so your conversation with the market will always keep you updated.

So 3 Essential Keys To Help You Make Profits From Your Farm Business ventures;

1. Knowledge
2. Adequate Capital
3. Master Your Market Always.

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