Nigeria To Benefit From $47m UNESCO Water Study

Nigeria is among 16 countries to benefit from a ground breaking research on Emerging Pollutants in Wastewater Reuse. The project is a collaboration between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

The project titled: “Characterisation of pharmaceutical pollution in the aquatic environment of Nigeria and their potential ecotoxicological effects”, is being implemented by Lagos State University and involves a scientific study into pollution of the Lagos Lagoon. The project began in July 2015 and it is expected to end in the first quarter of 2016.
According to Claire Lynga, a research advisor at SIDA, the project is estimated to cost about $47 million over four years. She said the issue of wastewater reuse is becoming a popular phenomenon globally and thus important that major research be carried out on the problems of pollution.

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