Giant rats bulking up by eating high protein foods and becoming resistant to poison

Mbok protect protein foods from rats o. They make these creatures resistant to poison.  A rat the same size as a toddler has been found in a family home.Total Pest Control owner Jeff Sullivan, 58, confirmed the rat is the largest one he's encountered in his 18 years working in the sector. 

The rat apparently measures two feet long and was found in a home in Grimsby, Lincolnshire.Sullivan said: "There is a lot of misrepresentation with guys taking photos of rats with mobile phones and holding it out at an
extreme arms-length to create the illusion that it's bigger than it really is.
"But this is the real deal, it's the largest rat I've ever seen."
He warned that rats are 'bulking up' by eating high-protein food, and becoming resistant to poison, so they cannot be easily killed.
The exterminator explained: "Infestations like this are a serious public health issue.
"Rats carry around 35 diseases such as leptospirosis and rat bite fever and urinate as they travel. 

Due to their tolerance of shop-bought poisons the only real way of tackling the problem is to contact a fully qualified pest controller."

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