How To Prepare Soybeans Powder For Infants By Peach

Getting my 11-month old to eat can be tiring; however, she
enjoys taking pap, so I prepare soybeans powder at home to
mix with the pap together with milk in order to provide her with the necessary nutrients needed for a growing baby.


Soybeans (5cups)
Unripe plantain (2)
Groundnuts- already fried (1 cup)
Note: you can add crayfish and cashew nuts too

1. Select the soybeans to remove stone and dirt, wash and allow to dry
2. Peel the plantain, cut into flat chips and sun-dry. (I had to dry mine properly in a dry pot over fire)
3. Pour the soybeans in a dry pot and fry; fry till the skin can be easily peeled off. Its brown and crispy just like fried ground nuts when done
4. Take to the mill for grinding (at the mill, it will be slightly processed to remove the skin/chaf ). Add the groundnuts and plantain to the clean soybeans and grind to powder
5. The soybeans powder is ready for your little one!
6. Store in an air-tight container

1. Select the soybeans to remove stone and dirt, wash and allow to dry
 2. Peel the plantain, cut into flat chips and sun-dry. (I had to dry mine properly in a dry pot over fire)
 3. Pour the soybeans in a dry pot and fry; fry till the skin can be easily peeled off. Its brown and crispy just like fried ground nuts when done
 Its brown and crispy just like fried ground nuts when done
 Add the groundnuts and plantain to the clean soybeans and grind to powder
 5. The soybeans powder is ready for your little one!
6. Store in an air-tight container

Aunty Eya, pls I need more baby-food ideas, I'm a first time mum with very little experience.  *OLY*

Eya Replies: Click on the links below to view Nigerian baby food Ideas, with step by step cooking pictures on wives connection blog:
  1. Soft eba with ogbono or okra soup, no pepper o 
  2. Unripe banana meal for babies
  3. Ekpang kwukwor
  4. Moi moi, not that one we make for adults with excess pepper, the baby won't eat if moi moi is spicy 
Moi moi and custard too
  1. Boiled yam, mashed with palm oil
  2. ground or blended quaker oats with milk
  3. Boiled ripe or fairly ripe plantain mashed with beans or tomato egg sauce
  4. Agidi with stew
  5. pasta (spaghetti and macaroni) broken into tiny pieces before cooking  
  6. Indomie noodles for children
  8. Agidi jollof 

  9. Ikokore
  11. Soft jollof rice

    Before you try all these, you'll have discovered the one your baby likes and just give him more of that.Happy parenting!

  13. Google fried rice on wives connection

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