Reasons Why Everybody Should Be Involve In Agriculture

Agriculture has been in existence from the beginning of time, and till today it remains the reliable and consistent source of food for sustenance and livelihood, continuity of life as been made possible through the help of Agriculture.

So far so good, the production of food as increased drastically in different part of the world and Agricultural development as never been as it used to be before. As much as we record development in agriculture in various part of the world that includes CHINA, THAILAND, INDIA, RUSSIA, TEXAS and even to be developing African countries like SOUTH AFRICA, NIGERIA, GHANA and the likes. In Nigeria basically we’ve record so many success stories in the Agricultural industry as many youths are now self-employed, self-made entrepreneur through the help of AGRICULTURE getting themselves busy and occupied with some agricultural businesses that includes LIVESTOCK FARMING (Snairy, rabbit farming, poultry, fishery, grass cutter and pig farming, bee farming and production of honey) Plantation Agriculture that includes Production of food crops (maize, vegetables, and more of the edible green crops) while others engage in Exportation of crops which includes RUBBER, BANANA, CASSAVA, JATHROPHA, COTTON, GROUNDNUT, OIL PALM, FRUITS, TOBACCO, GINGER and lots more.

The fastidious development in the agricultural industry as given birth to some many Agro-based organizations and industries around the world. Meaning Agricultural development is the best and greatest way to drive Industrialization to the PEAK level.
But as much as we have many people that are into Agricultural activities and Business even to the level of gaining a living from it, Food production still couldn’t meet up with target and this means there is need for more people to be involved in Agriculture so as to meet up with the Food demand.

In Nigeria, the total population of people as at the last recording exercise is (167.8million people if not even more) and with the geometric increase in population and growth there is bound to be  an exceeding great increase in the food demand unlike the increase taking place in Food production so this will automatically require us to increase Food production so as to meet up with the population and increased number of people All OVER THE world
The primary purpose of Agriculture is FOOD PRODUCTION and as such we need to take this serious as its inevitable for maintaining good health and the continuity of life.

Most people tends to hide under the tag of been a CONSUMER yeah! Not every one can be a producer definitely but you can also place your own in the development of Agriculture and increase Food production
The following are the ways you can use to help the development of Agriculture and increase food production:

You can start a farming business with less capital and with your seriousness and consistency you will grow it bigger, most people fail to succeed because they are greedy and after money always don’t be greedy!

You can engage in PROCESSING AND MARKETING of AGRICULTURAL PRODUCES, even as much as we can’t do without FOOD people still tend to go away from some substantial aspect of Agriculture, start with your skill if you are skillful in Marketing then its hi-time you get started” if you want to do everything you will end up doing noting so better to start something today!”

TURNING YOUR BACKYARD TO BARNYARD : I know of many small scale farmers who are making a living from Agricultural activities even at the level of their Backyard without having to spend money to secure a farm holding, you can start with the little space you have and before you know it you will grow it big with time.

PRACTICE OF CONSERVATION AND NO WASTAGE : In Agriculture, there is nothing as WASTE virtually everything is a raw material to the processing of a new product; for example, we regard to Poultry dropping (Guano) as waste but this same organic rich content serve as great organic manure in Plantation agriculture and serves better mineral nutrients to farm lands for better growing of vegetables.

AGRICULTURE can also be placed on Part-time meaning it can help you retain your current Job while you have another Business at hand, this will authomatically help you get another income source and Food production at the easiest and closest level, you just have to take out of your Backyard birds for the weekend meals, or if you have endeavour to plant some green vegetables definitely you won’t have to spend money buying such anymore.

IF everybody could just try and maintain a green garden at the backyard of their house definitely we are bound to spend less on feeding and enjoy more of naturally food and resources even with the closest range to us.
Try and engage yourself and your family in Agriculture it is the best way to keep a healthy and ever-green community alive always.


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