Organic Farming; Best for Plantation Agriculture and benefits

The CONCEPT of ORGANIC FARMING in AGRICULTURE as started longtime ago, it’s based on natural ways of maintaining the soil and health of plants.

In organic farming, the farmer are not interested in utilizing any form of chemicals be it pesticides, fungicides, herbicides they tends to use some techniques that can supply the same mineral nutrient and replenish the nutrients back to the soil. In organic farming, it as been proven that the natural system of farming is the best as this is the old time system that as always been adopted right from the HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE in the early man and wanderer history.

Even as much as we have changes in the system and changes been a consistent and constant thing happening around us on daily basis, researches as brought it to our consciousness that ORGANIC FARMING is the best. SO WHAT IS ORGANIC FARMING?? Is a form of AGRICULTURE that relies on some techniques of planting and enhancing soil performance which indirectly reflect in the plant and soil conservation system that gives the best result. PRACTICES IN ORGANIC FARMING INCLUDE; Crop rotation, green manure, making of compost, biological systems of controlling pests and diseases.

Organic farming is a very good production system for anybody going into PLANTATION AGRICULTURE. This is so because organic farming can be the best way to successfully mitigate greenhouse gases through the farming practices that build soil fertility naturally, avoid use of synthetic fertilizer and improve carbon sequestration.

The practices of organic farming as extend to different part of the world where agriculture is embraced but due to the greediness of some farmers they tend to incorporate some chemical based products alongside, most time it as adverse effect on the Farmland, Plants and even to the consumer of such plant as excessive application of Herbicides or pesticides can be disastrous. Organic farming gives it a natural touch and feeling of having all fertilization done with organic manure (guano is a good example) and still getting same result as using fertilizers most farmlands and crops that utilize this type of organic manure system tends to yield better and the replenishing system is guaranteed. There are lots of benefits derived in ORGANIC FARMING and some of them are discussed below;  Organic farming gives a lot of health benefits to people by producing a safe, nutritious, healthy food free of all sorts of harmful chemicals that is often used in synthetic fertilizers and pest fighting chemicals.

 It helps in the replenishing of soil nutrients and indirectly benefits the environment by utilizing methods that help preserve biodiversity and conserve natural resources which includes water, energy, soil minerals and so on.

 Considering the cost of running most organic based farms, its relatively low as a farmer who has both plant and animal farm now have to spend non or less to get organic manure and even biological control of pests, it also add to the market value as more and more people are consuming organically grown products.

 Another great benefits of organic farming is the simple method of controlling pest that is not harm the environment by not using synthetic chemicals organic farming ensures that the water is clean always.

 Organic farming goes a long way to help farmers saves the money that will otherwise be spent for additional farming activities.

 Organic farming also helps to get rid of pollution that are often perceive in the environment as a result of synthetic chemicals gotten from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides that are easily transported from the soil to the rivers, lakes, and other water bodies.

 Often, organically grown crops are recommended for health care and also helps to curb the occurrence of most illness and diseases.

 Organic farming also helps to keep alive and safe the activities of soil microbes that are essential and inevitable in the production of crops and proper functioning of soil.

 It help farmers to get the best out of their sustainable agricultural practices such as Green manure, compost making, crop rotation practices, natural method of weed, pest and fungus control.

 Organic farming helps you to be more health conscious, requires less to set up, and can yield relatively high when its well monitored. ADVICE to help in the sustainability and growth of our community, organic farming is needed, the production of food in the world needs an increase as the population growth is drastically growing at a geometric rate and you can easily start a organic vegetable farm at the backyard of your residence as this will help you gain access to clean and fresh vegetables anytime, spend less, conserve soil nutrients . Eating organically grown foods can help check your body weight, size and health generally

 Be organic as this is the best! Do you enjoy the article?

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  1. Thanks for this great and educative article its so interesting

  2. Thanks for this information. No matter who you are Doctors. Lawyers. Engeneers. Artists. Governors. Presidents. Teachers. Pastors, just name it, u cannot do without food. That's why most of the former presidents all over the world are into agriculture. Keep it up.

  3. I believe organic farmng is the only best way to conserve soil nutrient so a s to make use of it for plant growth and also replenish the nutrient on the Longrun

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