Coconut Moin Moin: Thai meets Naija


Hello everyone. How are you all doing today? 
First of all I would like to thank you all for taking time out to read my blog, leaving me comments and praying foe me. 
Your acts of kindness touches me deeply and I am truly blessed to have such amazing people around me.
 I appreciate each an everyone of you. God bless you and favour you all in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen ♥
Ok, so for today’s recipe, it isnt really something new, but at the same time it is. I have used coconut milk in some of my recipes here and I have made moin moin in another dimension. So its a bit of something old, something new.
I follow this group on Facebook ( So you think you can cook) Loads of recipes get posted everyday and many many discoveries have been made. 
I first heard about coconut moinmoin on the page. (This was last year by the way) I saw the recipe and I was like girl, do something different, tweak it and twist it and make it different. 
And so I arrived at the recipe below..lets get started shall we :)
  • 2 cups of beans
  • 1 can of Low fat or fresh coconut milk 
  • Lemon grass (optional)
  • Half a thumb of Ginger
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 2 large Tatashe
  • 4 Habenero pepper (ata rodo)
  • 1 large Onions
  • Seafoods (shrimps, prawns, squids, etc. remember you can use any seafood you want) 
  • 2 large Mackerel ( Titus fish )
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 Knorr cube
  • Blender
  • Wooden spoon
  • Mixing bowl and hand mixer 
  • Egg slicer
Prep time : 25 minutes 
Cooking/steaming time: 1 hour : 10 minutes
Total time : 1 hour: 35 minutes
Method :
Peel the beans using this method here Blender peeled beans
Next, blend the beans with the onions, peppers, garlic and ginger. Set aside
Next boil the mackerel with a few slices of onions and 1 of the Knorr cubes. Once it’s almost boiled, add the other seafoods. 
Next boil your eggs and set aside for use later.
Next heat up the coconut oil and add the lemon grass. Remove the cover on the lemon grass first. 
You should have this after removing the cover

Next add it to the coconut milk. Let it infuse for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes remove it from the coconut milk.
Next pour in the stock about 1/2 of a cup from the boiled seafoods into the blended beans. 
Mix well by incorporating air. Do this by using hand mixer or even your blender. For 8 minutes. This will ensure you have a fluffy and soft moin moin.
This is what oh get after 8 minutes of incorporating air into the beans. You can see the bubbles visible
While the beans is being mixed, shred the mackerel and discard any bones.
Also slice your eggs ready for use
Once it’s 8 minutes. Switch off the blender or hand mixer. 
Then add the infused milk. It will turn into a smooth paste and the smell will amaze you. ;)
Finally add the seafoodand at first half of the other Knorr cube. Taste it to make sure it’s not too salty. If not then add the other half and mix. 
In the moulds for steaming, add some mackerel to start with. This will ensure you taste fish from bottom to top😊
Then, pour the beans mixture using a laddle spoon into individual moulds to be steamed. 
Once you are satisfied with its quantity in the mould, add more shredded mackerel and then the eggs (see pictures below)
Cover and steam for 45 minutes to an hour. 
Ensure you add enough water to steam it uninterrupted.
Oh the aroma. When I lifted off the foil, ah ah ah. Amazing. 
I could detect a hint of each ingredients. Steaming helps in holding on to flavours.
Here it is.
 Thats it from me today.
I will see you all in my next post.

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