A visit To Fish Farm and Piggery Farm in Ogbomosho Oyo State Nigeria

Farming is of a truth, interesting and the number #1 Occupation that nature as offer man, and those who are interested in agriculture are actually exploring the best out of the natural resources that are around us, its a pity we live and see money and wealth around us each day and we don't utilize them because they are in their raw state and nobody  is ready to unravel them, process them, package them utilize them.

However i am previlege to be one of those who are massively investing and engaging in this natural resources of plants and animal, which makes up the cogent part of agriculture.

So 2weeks ago, i was invited to visit Bodams Farms in Ogbomosho Oyo state Nigeria, if you have been to that town before, you will know the seetlement and layout is just the best for farming activities.

I really had a nice time in the farm and i have gotten some nice pictures for you guys, trust me, youths are beginning to rise up and do well, in the place of farming and agriculture industry in Nigeria are becoming super increasing daily!

The farm is owned by a young man and its having up to 10 different fish ponds and 300 plus pigs!

Those pigs are great! So Big!

I have a lot to say about my visit to the farm but i will share all of those subsequently on this blog.

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