How To Easily Market and Sell off your Farm Products


Agriculture and farming be it plants or livestock farming is a beautiful business venture, and it is a high profit yielding ventures
Knowing the market trends and how it works is paramount fr any farmer that wants to succeed in business.

Farm produces like plants and fruits sometimes have a limited time frame for their validity after which they becomes invalid, also in the case of animal products
like honey, egg, and meat, if not well preserved it can easily get spoilt and the farmer stands a danger of running at lose, however with some wisdom been applied, you can avert lose and waste.

There is always a season for most agricultural products and that makes it so lucrative now even apart from the season thing, there use to be ever stable market.

  For instance; a friend of mine just started a 15 Million birds layer poultry farm in Ibadan and he is fully committed to his full time farming business, 

 now  to proof to you that market is available in agriculture, people of IBADAN as been buying egg before he started his own farm and now that he as started, he is still able to sell to people, now i know most of you will wonder, - Who are those buying from him?

 Well, the truth is the other old poultry farmers are not losing customers so its just a sign of ever increasing population density in Nigeria and that is never a problem for farmer, rather its an opportunity and avenue to even sell more and make profits the more.

The market for all agricultural products right now can not be met; however, there are still farmers out there that are not selling well; perhaps they are selling at a wrong or unsweetable price and they are confuse at their farm business.

In this post, i will give you some quick tips that will help you master and overcome this!

 How To market and sell Off all Your Farm Products at a Good Price.

1. Invest Well : This is very important, if you don't invest well, you might not get a good reward on your investment, and when customers sees your product they can tell if you really invested well or not, for example; if you are into fish farming or layers poultry, you need to feed them, so that they can grow better and product a good price product at the market.

2. Know Your Customer : This is very important aswell, know and master your customers, know who they are and what they want from you,
seek their opinion and interest about your products and goods and how you can better serve their interest, not everybody can be your customer, but know those ones that are yours and keep them to yourself, treat them well, keep their records and bring them back to your farm over and over again.

3. Reach Buyers before Harvest : This is one of the winning secrets of the successful fish farmer, before harvest, reach out to buyers; in hotels, clubs, eateries, schools, home and companies that utilize and buy them, don't wait untill you harvest them, if you do so, and you did not get buyers on time, they products will start depreciating.

4. Advertise : This is very important, no matter how many customers and buyers seems to be numerous in Nigeria, you must advertise ~ This is the only way you can make people know that you exist and you are in business.

     Most people will assume everyone knows their business already, but a wise farmer will not assume but he would rather take decisions to better his marketing effort and also grow his farm business.

I believe by the time you apply this 4 keys you will get a good result for your farm product marketing.

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