The way to strenthen Vietnam farm products


According to economic experts , our agriculture products has yet to penetrate the market hard. That makes the value of agricultural products is still low compared to the potential .
From 2008 to 2013 Vietnam agricultural exports increased by over 165 % from 16.5 billion to $ 27.3 billion. But according to economic experts , the growth rate of agriculture was not commensurate with the potential . The competitiveness of agricultural products of Vietnam's fisheries are limited in potential markets such as EU , U.S. . The main reason is thought small production , backward technology largely agricultural country exporting crude .
With approximately 940 million citizens , the EU is a potential market for Vietnam's export goods . 2013 exports to Europe reached more than $ 27 billion , of which agriculture is still seafood staples . Only shrimp , Q3 2013 EU exports to reach over U.S. $ 125 million , an increase of 40.5 % over the same period last year . However , by not focusing so clue that the value of agricultural products brought still unstable .
Present and future , agriculture remains the platform of Vietnam 's economy . Investment in science and technology , the only change from production to improve the quality of the product is required for the agricultural sector . We not only aims to increase exports but need to pay attention to the value of agricultural commodities , by the value of agricultural products enhance life means that farmers produce grain , the shrimp is also improved .
Thanh Phong / VTV

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