Sri Lanka to release 86 TN fishermen


Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Sunday said the Centre has informed the State that Sri Lanka has agreed to release 86 Tamil Nadu fishermen languishing in various jails in the island nation.
According to an official release, the Sri Lankan government would release the fishermen on October 28. The government was taking efforts to bring them home.

Reciprocating the goodwill gesture, the Chief Minister has ordered the release of two Sri Lankan fishermen in the prisons here.

The Sri Lankan government had agreed to release all the 86 fishermen due to the continuous efforts taken by the Chief Minister, the release said.

She had written to the Prime Minister highlighting their plight seven times in the past one month seeking his intervention at the diplomatic and political level for the release of the poor fishermen.

The Chief Minister has also highlighted the sufferings the Tamil Nadu fishermen undergo while fishing in the traditional waters to the Prime Minister in 73 letters from 2011, the release added.

They will be released on October 28. As a goodwill gesture, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has ordered release of two Sri Lankan fishermen

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