Profitability of Rabbit Farming in Nigeria - My 5years Experience

Profitability of Rabbit Farming in Nigeria -  My 5years Experience

So I have decided to put pen to paper as usual and write today on what I entitle – the profitability of rabbit farming in Nigeria, of  a true, to be sincere, I have been into rabbit farming for a long time at least for a space of 5years, if not more than that, and in all this 5 years I have experience the market status of the industry and know what works, so in this article, am going to be sharing practically from an experiential perspective.

I was actually raising rabbit because of my love for the pet, it was a pet interest thing at the beginning and it later metamorphose into a commercial venture been fostered with the interest in this little hopping animal as a pet, I just enjoyed the culture of raising, breeding and feeding my rabbit, the love of the little animal has been the driven passion that has kept me in the business for a longtime.

Today, am not going to be dwelling much on the aspect of keeping the animal as a pet’ though this is also important but rather, I will tarry more on the aspect of “commercial breeding of rabbit for business”.

Is Rabbit Farming really profitable in Nigeria?

Let start with that question, while I was raising them, was I making good money from it as a business venture?

Well, as we continue, I will answer those questions.

Rabbit is a small body hopping pet that everybody loves, majority of people love this small body animal but not everyone wants a rabbit in their backyard and not everyone wants a  rabbit lap in their pot.

I basically sell to those who are also breeding it, in Nigeria, the market available is for rabbit are those who are breeding it for the purpose best known to them, majorly “pet” and science students in school that needs it for projects and experimental purpose. 

While I was raising, those are the two category of people that buys rabbit from me, and have not seen a rabbit farm with a number of 15,000 to 30,000 rabbit like we have for fish farming and poultry farming, there are many benefits of rabbit meat to health, especially as we know it’s a white meat and it as less cholesterol compare to this meat people are actually rushing to buy in the market.

Now I have been meeting people and working with some boards and experts in the field of agriculture ( I also desire to meet the Minister of Agriculture soonest) on how we can make awareness and orient people about the benefits of rabbit meat to the society and how it can be probably the best replacement/alternative to the red meat and high cholesterol meat that as cause a lot of health concern for so many people in the society.

California as increased their GDP in a year by exporting the furs of their rabbit “ California white, new Zealand white and  chinchillia” rabbit breeds, most of the cloths and heavy wool cloths we import and enjoy here in Nigeria are made from rabbit furs and if only we can improve our rabbit production in this country, we would probably double our livestock income annually and also develop a better animal protein supply in our meat market, thereby causing the general public to have something better and of more health benefits to consume.

My Experience showed to me that rabbit “for consumption” as a little demand, I wouldn’t want to say it as no demand, but trust me out of 100% of people going to livestock markets or to buy meat then trust me maybe 5 or 10% will surely want to buy rabbit live or carcass.

If a board farmers can come together and pull resources together, I believe we can create a better and more profitable atmosphere for rabbit farming in Nigeria, in recent time Grasscutter farming as taken over in this place, and that’s why some farmers sells a colony of grasscutter (5) for #65,000 or even more as the case maybe, profitability of grasscutter can be traced to the fact that people love bush meat and now grasscutter which use to be hunt in the bush, as now been domesticated at home, more and more farmers are now venturing into grasscutter as it seems to look like the next big thing in town now, well that’s an improvement, but let us check into rabbit farming as well and see what we can do to improve that industry Also.

Are you a rabbit farmer? 

Do you have the same experience?

 Kindly share your experience with us.


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  1. I am a rabbit farmer and also health coach,will like to share with you.Call 08024662011.

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