Start Raising Broilers Chicken To be Sold For Christmas and New Year Now!

Time to Start Raising Your Broilers Chicken For Christmas Festive Season Sales is Now!

Livestock Farming in Nigeria, is one of the most lucrative ventures in the country and obviously research as proven this to be the same in the entire Africa continent, Asia, Europe and even the likes of india are rising up in Agriculture and livestock farming daily.

One of the best time for farmers to harvest their investment and make massive profits in Nigeria is always during the festive season, you will agree with me that during Christmas and new year there used to be sales of chicken at almost every spots and corners, I have witness this happen in cities like Ilorin, Lagos, Ogun, Osun, Ibadan and other parts, there used to be a serious sale during Christmas season, and the major reason is found here

People are the ones that creates culture and practices; it’s been our culture in Nigeria “ and some part of the world” that people consumes majorly chicken for Christmas and New year celebration and it has come to a dimension that during Christmas, if you have not eaten chicken,

 it’s as if you have actually not enjoy the sweetness of the season.

In fact, this must have been one of the major reasons why Poultry and Chicken Business as blossom in Nigeria over the years, now as a smart farmer, I have started and encourage interested farmers around me to get some broilers and let make some money, the reason why I emphasize on broiler here is that, raising cockerel in this time is late because an average cockerel will take at least 4 to 5months to reach maturity but broilers within 1 or 2 months, it would have reach market size that will attract good sale and profits.

 As a matter of fact, in shonga Farms Ilorin kwara state, it takes them just 1month to raise Broilers to reach maturity so it’s actually a product of “Breeds” so if you are buying a broiler day old chick now, please ensure you buy a quality breed, so that it can reach maturity early enough before 20th of December, 
if you can raise like 50,000 broilers then you can be sure of making good profits, let us do a logistic and feasibility studies right here; Let assume you raise them to market size and you sold each for 3,000 

[based on their live weight ] 3000 x 50,000 = 150,000,000!

Buddy? That’s a whooping of 150 Million? 

Well, I understand the investment can be huge too but trust me you can spend up to 15Million on the overall investment, like housing, feeding, medication and other workmanship, so the profit you are sure to make is by far more than your investment at the start.

For small scale farmers that might not have that huge investment capability, you can also get like 200 to 1000birds in total and you are sure to make some profits with time, you don’t have to start big but as you proceed you must plan big and schedule your budgets, if you can get funds from friends and family to help your business startup and when you are done within the few days left for this year to be gone, you can refund.

Agriculture and Livestock Farming Business is not a difficult venture, I must also stress the fact that it’s never a get rich quick scheme, because you have to invest and wit for your investment to build up and accumulate for you to harvest your investment, but sincerely it still have the best employment opportunity for anyone interested, even the youths; for your information.

I am Akanni Tolulope Matthew – I have been the author of this Blog and I am still a youth – pretty less than 25years old, Agriculture has been my employment and my empowerment for more than 5years now, so it’s an open venture for anyone who is interested to start something.

Instead of playing around the street and whiling away pretty time as a youth, why don’t you find something doing and you will also be one of the pens God is using to re-write the story of Nigeria as a nation, and yours ca even go as far as the entire world if you believe and you are ready to pay the price of greatness – the like of Bill Gates’ paid the price it’s not a day job and its never by luck, you can start from somewhere today and with time, you will proliferate to the top too.

In the case of poultry egg production, it’s an ever-green venture on it own, since there is  an increase in the number of food purchase and consumption during Christmas, layer poultry farms that produces egg also experience an increase in the number of sale, in the case of egg production business, you don’t have to wait for a particular season, you can actually make your profits anytime you are ready to.

I hope someone has got some new Business Intelligence from this article?
Christmas and new year is almost here, instead of joining the crowd that plans how to Buy and spend, why not change your mindset and start thinking how to invest and EARN.

The earlier the better, today is 28 of October 2015’ we have just  59days to Christmas, which is a major season for selling broilers to celebrate the season, and we have 64days to New Year which is another superb time to sell whole lot of chicken for those that would love to buy them.

I encourage you, in the remaining days of this year, you can still earn much and make more than six figures, so go and start something!

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  1. Do you think its not late to start breeding? When will they mature to be sizable for sale?

    1. its never too late, if its a good breed and its well fed, they will mature and be big enough in 5weeks

    2. Have you tried it and it was mature enough for sale at the 5th week?

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